Chapter 61: Charge

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Zephania's POV ~

~*Save Law*~

Hearing those words clearly messaged this time, I know what I have to do. I know now what the past Hania was warning me about. I promise, I won't let anything happen to Law, even if I have to risk my life for it, since he risked his for mine.
But I can't do it alone. I have to get help. I'll call the gang, maybe they can help.

I quickly wiped my tears and took out my phone to call them. Unfortunately, having to call a few times nobody came to pick up. Even my brother. What's going on. I can't bother Kid or Ace, they are busy with their leave for their flight tomorrow. But I can't rely on anyone else besides them. I'll try calling, I've got to try.

Narrator's POV ~
While Zephania was trying to contact her gang, the Strawhats, unfortunately no one picked up. Her last resort for assistance would be Ace or Kid. She then tried calling them also, apparently, either of them were able to pick up, as they both went out, Ace with his group to hang out before he leaves and Kid visiting his old man to tell him that he will go abroad. So that leaves her no one. But little did she know, that the Strawhats, along with Vivi, were already plotting something and are about to commence their operation.

Zephania's POV ~
I knew Ace and Kid couldn't pick up. They do have their own lives to live. Now, I can't let them solve my own problems for me. I'm at fault for not being strong enough defend myself and Law. I have to do this. For better or for worse. If that dream wasn't a message then I don't know what.

I saw my katana lying on the floor. I pushed myself up to get it. With this katana in my hands, I don't care who I have to cut down in my way, just to save Law. I'm done crying.

I ran up to the door and blurted out, luckily Zoro nii-san left his car around this time. I drove, going as fast as I could to the place where my parents used to work, owned by the one and only, that sandman Crocodile, the Rain Dinners Casino.

It was kind of a secluded place, kind of perfect for dealing and smuggling. I know the location but I've never been here before actually. It had a very wide and big land, big enough to train soldiers, with a wide slope going up a hill. I noticed something bright at the hill. That must be the casino at the top, so that means I have to go up that wide slope.

I stopped somewhere far enough, just in case their security might patrol or something. I took my katana and got off the car. I started walking stealthily, but to my expectations, there were no guards or security that I saw. As I got closer, I heard screaming and fighting. I hid around the bushes to see what was going on.

To my surprise, I saw Usopp and Chopper to the east, fighting some kind of mole woman and a chubby batter. Then up North, I saw Sanji fighting a weird man with makeup wearing a swan costume. What the hell is going on. Is this why they couldn't pick up? It doesn't matter, with them keeping the enemies busy, I can get through.

I jumped out of the bushes and ran towards the slope. I noticed Sanji saw me.
"Hania-chwan? What are you doing here?" I heard him ask.
Then Chopper and Usopp noticed me.
"Eh? What is Hania doing here?" Chopper also asked. But I couldn't stop here. They must be here for the same reason as me. To stop Crocodile, along with me saving Law back. I continued running and I am almost at the slope.

"An intruder! I won't let you pass!" I heard the mole woman shout and dove to the ground at started coming to me. Shit, she's coming fast. I stopped and ready my stance with my katana in my hand.

"Your fight is with me! Horn point! Roseo Colonnade!" Chopper shouts, running against the mole woman, pointing his boosted large horns down digging them to the ground.

"Ow!" I heard the mole woman scream.

"Heh, gotcha." Then Chopper dug deeper then suddenly tilted his head back, tossing the mole woman out of the hole and into the air.

"Go Hania!" Chopper shouted. I snapped out of my thoughts and continued running.

"Arigatou Chopper,." I said.

"Be careful Hania-chwan, there are dangerous people around here."

"I will Sanji." I said to Sanji and finally reached the slope. I thought that I was alone on this, but actually, my friends has always been with me. I'm so thankful. Hang on Law, I'm coming.

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