Chapter 51: Preparation

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Law's POV ~
Hania was so excited about our date, specially about the fireworks tonight.

It just seems odd. It bothers me that, it's like the same thing like this that happened in the past, is happening again now.

I remembered the moment where Hania and I were together during a fireworks festival under the cherry blossom tree. It might just be my imagination, but it's such a coincidence.

"Law. I'm ready." I heard Hania from the room while I was waiting outside for her to get dressed.

We planned to go for a bit of a shopping date before the fireworks. Even though I could immediately get us one, it wouldn't be so bad to just go out with her for a change. I could spend the rest of the day with her, and that's enough for me.

After she was ready, we then went out.

Tonight's theme to wear is gonna be a kimono, so I guess that's where we'll go to buy first.

She wanted to pick them herself. We went to go look for kimonos, for me and Hania to wear for tonight. When we got to a certain shop, we saw familiar faces.

"Robin? Nami?" the two women from her gang, Nico Robin and Navigator-ya.

"Hania? Tra-guy? What are you both doing here?" Nico Robin asked.

"We came to shop for clothes for tonight's fireworks festival." Hania replied.

"Wait a minute. Kimono? Even for Tra-guy? The two of you?" Navigator-ya kept asking questions. I looked at Hania waiting for her answer. I noticed the tints on her cheeks. She was blushing. I just chuckled at her adorable reaction.

"S-Shut up Law." she said. I believe the two women in front of us noticed.

"Judging from your reaction, could it be that, Hania, you're back to normal?"

"You're right Robin." Hania said happily.

"So that means, right now, you two are, really together!?"

"Sshh. Lower down your voice Nami."

"Oh my goodness! Okay, Tra-guy. Give Hania to us, since we're already here and we have the same purpose, we're gonna give her a make over. We'll meet you at the venue later at 6pm." Navigator-ya suggested. It's such a coincidence that they both get to do her makeover again. I noticed Hania tugged lightly on my shirt.

"Is it okay?" she asked me. Although, I wanted to spend the rest of the afternoon with her, I guess I can spend it with her later tonight.

"Sure." I said and kissed her cheek. She blushed at my gesture, which was cute. I hear Navigator-ya giggling from behind and Nico Robin chuckle.

They both took her in as I continued to search for my own. I just took the one that immediately caught my eyes. It was a simple black kimono. I guess this should do.

It was already 3pm, I still have time. There's also a certain shop that I'm planning to stop by. I guess I'll go there for a bit then go to our meet up point.

Zephania's POV ~
I hope Law wouldn't mind. I actually wanted to spend more time with him. But I also want to look my best for him since this will be our first official date. I'm a bit nervous, but at the same time excited.

Nami and Robin picked out my clothes for me. They're really getting into this, though I don't mind. I'm also having fun being with them.

After they picked up the clothes for me, we then went to an accessory shop. I went an took the one that matched the color of my kimono. When we were done, as we went out, I stopped on my track.

At the other side of the road across us, I noticed Law at a jewelry store. What was he doing there? Does he need one to wear for tonight too?

"Come on Hania. Let's go. Now we'll go for the make ups." Nami called out to me.

Maybe it's for Law's earrings. I followed the girls as soon as the thought left my mind.

Law's POV ~
I walked out the jewelry store, finally knowing what I want to give to Hania. After graduation, I'm definitely going to ask her...

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