Chapter 54: It Starts

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Zephania's POV ~
"-nia" I hear someone's voice.

"-ania." I don't see anyone, it's so dark and I don't see anyone.

"Hania." Weird, the voice was very familiar, but I can't put up as to who it was.

I continued to walk through the darkness. There at the center, I saw a figure. I went closer to see who it was.

"Hania." the voice came from the figure. As I got closer, I finally realized to who it was. I saw a girl with messy green hair lying on the dark ground. When she opened her eyes, they were the same as mine.

This girl, is me.

But she had a different sense of clothing style, it looked liked clothing from the past.

This must be what Law meant, this was me from the past. When she opened her eyes, she just stared through something. I looked at what she was staring but there was nothing, only darkness. I don't even know where I am.

When I looked back at her, I almost jumped back, she was now standing in front, staring right through me. I waved my hand in front of her, but she didn't seem to see me. She kept staring straight forward. I didn't know I could creep myself out.

When I tried to move away from her sight, she suddenly grabbed my arm, but she kept looking forward. I tried to free myself from her grasp, but she just held me tighter.

"Ow." It started to hurt. Does that mean this is real? I'm starting get scared. She still wouldn't let go.

"Hania." I heard my voice call me. It was her. But she wasn't moving.

"Please let me go." I said to her, she still didn't move.

A second later, I saw her glitch, from being like a statue to a worried expression. What was happening.

"Zephania." she continued to glitch until I could see her getting more stable yet blurry.

"-nd, -h-lp, y-r, dn-gr, s-v L-w."

She kept repeating those words that I can't make out. She started gripping on my arm harder, and her glitch started crying. I was really freaked out, I want to get away.

"L-Let me go. Please. Let me go back." she still wasn't moving.

"P-Please. It hurts." I kept begging her to let me go, but as I kept looking at her, she started to look more in pain as she cried. I continued to pull my arm from her, almost crying, pleading her.

"-nia." No.

"-ania." Someone's calling again.

"Hania." I don't want to go. I want to go back to Law.

"Hania." It started to get brighter. Someone's taking me.

"Hania." The light started to get closer and brighter.

Suddenly, there was a scene that flashed. It horrified me, seeing as how I clearly saw what that scene was, not wanting to believe it, one that I feared the most.

It can't be. I don't want this. Let me out of here. Someone, help. Please!


"Hania!" My eyes suddenly opened and I was back in the room, with Law wearing a worried face in front of me.

"L-Law." I breathed.

"Yeah, I'm here." he said and caressed my cheek. 

Thank goodness, he's here. It scared me so much. I don't know if that was real or not but it really frightened me. I buried myself in Law chest, feeling my body shaking from fear.

"It's alright. I'm here. It was just a dream." he said to calm me down while gently stroking my head.

He then lightly kissed my forehead, which reassured me. Then he kissed cheeks, then my nose, then my chin, lastly my lips.

"Hehe." I smiled at what he did.

"Better?" he asked, tucking away strands of hair behind my ear.

"Very much." I replied with a light smile on my face. I love how he managed to calm me with such simple yet sweet gestures. If only it were a dream and it would always stay like this with the both of us, together.

Time Skip ~
We got up, my body still feeling a bit sore, but managed to pack some stuff we need to bring to the beach.

I received a text from Nami about the location which I told Law. Luckily he knew where it was. After we were done, we teleported immediately to the location.

The sea breeze hit me as soon as we got there. The sea was so beautiful, there were waves good for surfing and food stands near the inn. At the gate, we saw the gang waiting.

"Heeeeey." I called, waving to them while walking towards them. They noticed us and they greeted back.

"Glad you made it. Okay minna, our stay will only be until six this evening. So don't destroy anything, I don't want to pay Vivi for the damage. Here are your keys." Then Nami gave us separate keys.

"Separate rooms?" Law asked.

"Yeah, we wouldn't want the others disturbed by both of you echoing throughout the inn now do we." Nami scolded.


I blushed at her words while I noticed Law clicked his tongue from being pissed.

Thank goodness we got out today, it would really help me get over what happened earlier.

We all went in and placed our things in our assigned rooms.

I had the room all to myself. As I was about to close the door, a foot blocked it's way, and the door opened again.


"Shh." Law was about to enter when a hand grabbed his shoulder. I looked behind him and it was Zoro nii-san, his face looking kinda pissed.

"That's not your room, Tra-guy." Zoro nii-san said,  gripping harder on Law.

"A-Ah, I see." Law just sweat dropped and back out the room, walking away with my brother. I laughed at the sight in front of me, how I'd treasure these moments very much.

A few minutes later, I got dressed up in my bikini. When I got out of the room, I bumped into  Law. He wore a grey spotted short and a yellow open hoodie. It suited him. He then stopped and stared at me for a while.

"Is something wrong?" I asked and he eyed me from top to bottom. Pervert.

"Yes. Everything is wrong. Change into something less revealing." he said and pushed me back the room. I just sighed and just do what he says.

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