Chapter 33: Unknowingly Attached

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Zephania's POV ~
I feel finally recovered, but I still had visible wounds and bruises. I woke up the next day, as always, Law is sleeping beside me again, with his hat on the table. I'm still tired to argue with him.

I noticed something wrong again. His heart, is not beating. Yet, he's alive. How is this possible? Why is his heart not beating? But he's alive right? I checked his breathing, and he was. What is this? It's kind of troubling me.

It was a weekend today, but I still had a work shift. Kid was not in the room, I believe he's sleeping in his room. I have to thank him when I see him later for letting us stay here. I slowly got up, trying not to disturb Law and went to get my phone inside my bag. I then tiptoed towards the bathroom and  I called my big brother to let him know that I'm staying at a friend's house, so I won't be home until then.

He seemed to understand, what a relief. It feels nice that he trusts that much. After I made the call, as I opened the door, Law was standing there looking pissed off. He suddenly held my waist and we teleported back lying in bed facing each other.

"What are you doing walking around in your condition." he stated, still looking pissed.

"It's fine. I feel great. You don't have to babysit me." I said to him and tried getting up, but pinned back to the bed being on top of me.

"No." he said with a serious face. I didn't reply and just surrendered.

"I get it. But I can't stay here all day. It's making me depressed. Besides I have work today, and you do too. At least I want to tell Miss Makino that I'm can't go." I pouted.

He stared at me for a long time and breathed a long sigh. "Fine. I'll accompany you later. We'll both go to work but I'll be watching over you. Don't argue with me on that." he said and removed himself on top of me. He stood up, took his hat and walked out the door.

"Is he mad?" I said to myself. Wait, that means I can get to work later, but wait, I don't have a change of clothes. The one I'm wearing right now are torn, well the back part at least where I got slashed mostly, and it's all bloody and dirty. I kinda feel sorry to the bed.

The door suddenly opened. Kid came in. I wonder what he came here for. "Here, I got you some clothes." he said while looking away and scratching the back of his head. He then handed me a pair of clothes.

"T-Thank you. You didn't have to." I said and received it.

"Uh. No problem." I think he's slightly embarrassed of his kind gesture. Cute.

"Really Kiddo. Thank you. You let us stay in your place and even helped me get treated. I owe you." I said to him. He looked at me and stared for a bit. Then he suddenly turned around.

"Whatever. Just go change already. I feel cold watching you with that thin clothes you're wearing." Then he walked out the door. Well, he can be nice sometimes. I hope we can be close friends someday. I smiled thinking about it. Yosh, I'm gonna go change.

A few minutes later ~
I already finished changing. Law hasn't come back yet ever since he left. I wonder if he got mad. I think I'm gonna go look for him.

Okay? So I started walking around which seems like a maze in this freaking mansion. I can't believe Kid lives here. I think I'm lost though. I saw stairs up ahead, I guess I have to go up. I see a door at the top of the stairs. I opened it and the first thing I saw was the brightness of the sky.

I see, this is a balcony. I then noticed someone leaning on the railings of the balcony. It was Law. So this is where he was.I walked the door behind me and walked towards him. He didn't seem to notice me.

I slowly tiptoed, as I got closer, I tried reaching my hand to his head, attempting to cover his eyes. Hehe.

As I was to close in, he gently grabbed both my hands. "What are you doing?" he said and then let go of my hand and turned around to face me.  "Nothing." was all I replied.

His expression was slightly a serious one, yet his gaze wasn't on me. It's like he spaced out. It's worrying me a bit. He's not his usual cheeky, flirty self. I guess he's mad after all.

"A-Are you mad? Okay, I won't go to work. Just don't be mad. Stop it with your seriousness. It's uncomfortable." I said with a worried tone.

"Huh? No. No, I'm not mad." he said and finally looked at me.

"Then why are you like that? You left and didn't return because you're mad right? Was I a burden?"

"No!" he suddenly shouted. I was shocked when he shouted, it seems like he was too. Why am I concerned all of the sudden. I feel kind of sad that he's like that.

"I-I'm sorry for shouting at you. I'm not angry at you. I'm angry at myself." he said. What's got him so worked up? Is it because of me?

"I'm so angry at myself because I wasn't able to protect you. You got hurt so bad, and it's my fault. I was supposed to be there." I could hear the sadness in his voice as he kept his gaze from me.

"I'm sorry, that I left you earlier. Seeing you, I just don't think I could hold myself back any longer." he said that, and I saw a hint of blush in his face. Why was Law blushing.

"Hold yourself back? What do you mean?" I suddenly asked.

He then just stared at me deeply with a sense of lust in his eyes. Then I had the idea of what he meant.

I suddenly felt my face heat up.

"You're blushing." his serious expression turned to a soft one as he said those.

"I-I'm n-not. B-Baka Law." I said and turned around. I suddenly felt his arms embracing me from behind.

"Eep! W-What are you doing? Let go." I accidentally squealed. I tried struggling from his grasp. But he wouldn't let go. I could feel his breathing in my neck.

*thump* *thump*

My heart skipped a beat. Speaking of beat, I can't feel Law's heartbeat either. Then I suddenly felt him breath in my neck again.

"You know, I really want to just tie you up and lock you up in a room where no one would see to harm you and keep you safe. Where I can keep you all to myself.~"

*thump* *thump*

Eep! He suddenly whispered in my ear, feeling every breath of his words send chills all over my body.

*thump* *thump* *thump* *thump*

My heart beat is getting faster.

*Thump* *Thump* *THUMP* *THUMP* and louder!

Oh, heart, please don't do this. Why am I feeling like this.

"W-What are you talking about. Stop joking around and let me go." Oh my gosh. I'm so embarrassed of myself, to think what he did was so sexy. Damnit. I'm supposed to hate guys.

"Heh. Yes master." and he let go of me. My heart started to calm down. What a relief. I hope he didn't notice.

I turned to face him. We stood there for a while as the wind blew.

"Law? Can I ask you something? About your heart?" I finally got to ask him. He just stared at me for a bit, looking a bot surprised and then smiled.

"You don't have to concern yourself about that. As long as I'm alive, that's all." was his answer.

I just realized, his smiles, sometimes gave me butterflies and I find myself in awe with his laugh, it's actually so cool. Whenever Law does some flirty, cheeky things, I always get angry at him, but lately, I haven't. Don't tell me, I'm starting to get really attached to him..?

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