Chap. 4: A Happy Anniversary!??

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Zephania's POV ~
"W-We should break up."


"I-I said we should break up." he repeated what he said earlier. I can't believe it.

"Ace this isn't funny. Stop joking around." I said to him. I just, couldn't belive him. I just, can't.

"I'm not, Zephania. I'm serious." he said to me. And from the sound of it, he really is serious.

"B-But, why?" I stuttered, as my vision now became blurry and wet hot tears started to flow out from my eyes. It started to soak my cheeks as I cried.

"I'm, I'm sorry. I really am. I-It's just that, I-"

"Is it a girl?" I asked him as I looked down on him.

And, he, nodded.

"Why? W-What have I done to deserve this Ace? What, have I done, to you. I love you with all my heart. And, you were the only person, who was there for me when those shit moments happened to me!" I cried out and removed my hand forcefully from him.

"Z-Zephania. Just, let me explain. Plea-"


I, slapped him. I slapped Ace. "You want to explain? Explain what huh! T-That she, is incredibly amazing in bed? Is that it!? Or, how she kissed you or how you kissed her back! Is that it? That's what you want to explain? Your fucking moments with that new woman of yours! You, you know what I've been through right! And now, I'm getting this, from you." I shouted at him. I really couldn't take it.

"No. That's not what I meant." he said and looked at me in the eyes.

"Fine! What is it then! Tell me!" I shouted. And then he stood up and sat back on his chair. I wiped my tears away and folded my arms on my chest and glared at him as he was starting to speak.

"Just, hear me out okay. Please, I don't want to lie to you anymore. I, I was in a bar, drinking, partying with my friends. And that's where I met her. I-"

"Okay, you know what, I think that's enough. I clearly know now that all men are the same. How they all work. Cheaters! You have nothing to explain. Enough. Just stop it. I've heard enough. Now, I just want you to answer my question Ace. Did you, love her?" I asked him, with seriousness in my voice.

I held myself back from crying, but, when he didn't say anything, that's when I knew. "Silence means yes. You did, love her." "I-It's not like that. I-" "Ace. Please, enough. I don't want to go any further of thus conversation. Because, we are done." I couldn't held my tears back anymore. It started flowing out of my eyes like a waterfalls. And right now, I'm done. We're done.

I stood up, and he looked up at me. "You're right. We should break up. It's over for us." I said and pushed back the chair, grabbed my bag and started to walk away. Until I forgot something. I immediately walked back to him.

"And here's your stupid coat! I never needed it anyway!" I said to him and continued to walk away.

"I found out, last week on Fridays, that she is still in college, leader of the cheerleaders of the school, studying at New World University. I didn't want to lie to you." I heard him say. I stopped when he said those.

But, I just looked back at him with teary eyes but deadly expression and said, "Shut up you bastard."

After that I walked away completely, towards the elevator. After I got out of that building, I immediately went straight to my car.

When I got there, I burst out crying hard. I didn't stop. I couldn't. He knew what I have been through. And yet, he did something like this. But, I guess it doesn't matter anymore. So I just started the car and drive forward. I don't know where, and I couldn't even see clearly, but I just drived.

But, I kind of stop on the side of the road. I lowered down the window beside me and looked where I was right now. But I couldn't see clearly. I then wiped my tears away and my visions started to clear.

I was on the side of a deserted road where not too much cars were passing by, and with the forest surrounding the area, but I know my way around here. But I can't go back yet. I can't right now. I know it's dark, but I don't care anymore. The guy I loved left me.

Just like, they, uhg. Why do the people I really care always leave me? But, Zoro is still here right? Then not all I guess. But even so, why does this happen to me. What is wrong with me. I felt the same feeling on my face again. Why don't I realize that I'm crying already. Ugh, I don't want to think about this right now. I'll just keep beating myself up.

*buzz* *buzz* *buzz*

Someone's calling. Damn it. Why does it have to be now. I took the bag beside me and put it on my lap. And I searched for my phone.

"Oh no. It's Zoro Onii-san calling. What should I do." I said to myself as soon as I found out who was calling. I can't talk to him right now. Not now. I'm sorry Zoro Oni-san. I'll have to cancel his call. I pressed and hold the power button to end the call and to power off my phone.

After I turned it off, I leaned back in my seat with the phone still in my hands. "What am I supposed to do now." I said  to myself. I have no choice but to get back then. I picked up the bag on my lap and placed the phone back, but then I felt something inside. It was long, and hard. I grabbed it and pulled it out. It was the sake I brought. I completely forgot about it. Well, might as well drink it than waste it. I removed the cork with just my teeth and it opened. I didn't hesitate in drinking it.

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