Chapter 47: The Heart Beats

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Zephania's POV ~
"Law. I love you." I tried the best I could to smile as I cried.

"Law, I love you! I do. I really do. *sniffle* I have completely fallen for you. Everything you do, everything you say, everything you are." But I bursted out crying again. I couldn't stop the tears. Everything was flooding all back to me. Everything, but most of all, my feelings for Law. It's like the pain and confusion I felt before were all replaced by the feelings I have for Law.

"I love you too Hania. You know I do. I always have." he said as he embraced my now trembling body.

"*sniffle* Everytime you held me, felt like nothing could ever hurt me.*sniffle* The words you always say to me, whenever you said you love me, the moments we had together, the way how I love your laugh, and even the times when we argued, even all just the small things, they all mattered to me!" I cried as he listened while wiping off the tears flowing from my face.

"I-I never realized, that it made me start to love you everytime, and I fell in love with you even more, because you loved me when I couldn’t love myself! *sniffle* You found parts of me I didn’t even know existed and in you I have found a love I no longer believed was real. Every feeling that I had, just came rushing in." I wanted to touch him more, so I hugged him while I still sobbed in his chest.

"I'm so sorry for making that wish. I've never felt this much, so much, about anyone, ever before.*sniffle* I never thought about how you felt, I'm so sorry for being so selfish!" I cried my heart out as I freed the feelings I've had locked up. Saying all the things I could say.

There's still so much I wanted to say to him, but I'm having a hard time breathing because of all the crying, every word in my mind scattered.

"You don't have to apologize to me about anything. No matter how many sides of yourself you have, I will always forgive you. Since it's like this, then that means, your wish, it's broken! That's never happened before." I heard him say loudly. He sounded happy about it, so was I.

"I-I guess so." I tried my best to smile for him as I pulled away to look at him. I felt the strength in my legs disappear and I fell down. Law was able to catch me before I hit the floor and we both just sat down. I just felt so relieved.

I started to calm down and wiped my face with my sleeves. I looked up at him and smiled, he smiled back. I stared at his face a little longer, while our distance got smaller. I felt his breath on my face and his lips brushed with mine, until I finally closed the gap by kissing him. I didn't know how much I've wanted to do that.

I melted into that kiss again.

It felt like time had stopped for us at that moment where we've been kissing. His tongue licked my lower lip asking for entrance, and I willingly let him in. It felt so hot, everything was heating up, I was feeling weird but, in a good way. Law's tongue continued to explore my mouth, when he hit a certain spot,
"Mmhhm~" was that me?

We pulled away with a string of saliva connected to both our mouths, as we both were panting for air.

I felt my face heat up from what I sounded earlier. I felt so embarrassed.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. I like how you sound." he said, whispering the last phrase in my ear and he nibble on them.

"L-Law, it tickles."

"It won't be for long." he whispered again, his hot breath giving me goosebumps and continued to nibble and lick them. It's like he already knew my weak spots.

"S-Stop L-Law. It feels weird, aghh~" I immediately closed my mouth with my hand as I heard those come out my mouth.

"See? It doesn't tickle anymore." he smirked and laughed. He's playing with me, but his laugh is still so cool. I definitely love his laugh.

"S-Stop teasing me Law." I could still feel my face blushing.

"Alright. I'll stop. If you kiss me again." he said and smirked again. He's really teasing me.

"F-Fine." I mumbled and went closer to his face to kiss him, and I did. When I pulled back, he grabbed my face and kissed me again, inserting his tongue directly into my mouth and explored every inch of mine. It felt so heated, I couldn't breath,
"Mmhm~" I continued to make those weird sounds as everything in my body felt so weird. He finally pulled back, and I gasped for air.

"Sorry, it's just, I couldn't hold myself back anymore." he apologized.

"W-Well, I-I didn't h-h-hate it, not anymore. S-So don't apologize." I felt so embarrassed when I said those. He seemed relieved and smiled at me. I felt my face heat up again, his gaze feels like it's pulling me, so I just looked down, away from his gaze.

He held me so softly that I wished he would never ever let me go. I felt at home.

Then I just realized, he was half naked. My face heated ten times, I could die from embarrassment.

"It's not like you haven't seen me naked before. Let alone, I'm just shirtless." Law suddenly joked, though it was an accident when I saw him that time at the bathroom.

"I wonder how you'll react when I'm not wearing any." He suddenly whispered to me again.

"S-Shut up, and don't do that. It feels weird." I said to him, and he just laughed.

"S-Shut up. Baka Law." His, laugh~

"I never thought I'd hear those words again. I'm just happy you're back." he said after he stopped laughing.

"Me too. I love you Law." I said and smiled at him. He gently stroked my hair locks away from my face and caressed my face.

"I know. Do you wanna know why?" I looked at him in confusion. He then gently pressed my head to his chest.

My eyes widened in shock of what I just found out. I could hear it. I hear his heart. It's beating. His heart is finally beating.

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