Chap. 14: Blooming Love

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Time Skip ~
"Ah~ Hania is so pretty. Don't you think so Robin?" "Eh. It really suits her."

"Huh~ really? I like it too myself."

"See? Well then, let's hurry up and meet with everyone." Nami said and went out of the shop, already wearing their kimino for later.

Nami wore a pink kimono with blue and purple flowers. While Robin wore a black kimono with light colorful flowers in it. And Hania got a jackpot and wore a night blue kimono, with the light pink colors of the Cherry Blossom petals around it.

It was already night time, and not long now, the festival will start and everyone will gather below the Cherry Blossom Tree while also watching the fireworks. When everyone was finally gathered in Sunny Go, they all directly went to the location of the Cherry Blossom Tree.

And once they got there, a lot of people were already gathered in there. "Aw~ There's so many people here. I can't see the front." Hania whined.

"Yeah. Especially that I'm so small." Chopper said.

"Do you want me to carry you Doctor-san?" Robin suggested to Chopper who was beside her.

"No, I'll be fine. Heavy Point!" Chopper then grew big and can finally see through the crowd.

"Oh, minna. I see a space there. Let's go there before somebody takes it and so that we can get a better view." Nami said and started walking towards the location she mentioned. And everyone else followed her through the crowd.

"Let's go Hanai." Law said who was behind her and started walking in front of her.

"I'll be right there." she replied as she kept staring at the Cherry Blossom Tree on top of a hill, far away from the crowd. And then she finally started to follow them.

"Um, excuse me. Pardon me. Coming through." But Hania was having a hard getting through.

"Uh, let me pass through- Ah!" Suddenly, she was pushed by the crowd and started to fall. But, Law immediately caught her by the waist.

"Be careful." Law said.

"T-Thanks Law." Hania blushed as Law was still holding her.

"Do you want to get a better view?" Law asked her. And Hania nodded.

Then Law smiled when he saw her reaction, and then suddenly carried her bridal style and said, "ROOM." and a blue sphere surrounded the place.

"Huh? What's this?"

"What's going on?"

"Did something happen?"

The people around started to get nervous. And then, Hania heard Law said, "SHAMBLES." and the blue sphere disappeared and both Hania and Law were now, in front up close of the Cherry Blossom Tree.

"Heh? So this is the special tree. Not bad." Law commented while staring at the beautiful tree.

"It sure is." Hania said while smiling, also staring at the Cherry Blossom Tree. And then Law put down Hania on the ground.

"Thanks Law." Hania thanked him.

"No problem." he replied.

"Not just that, thank you for also coming with me right now. I haven't felt so happy like this in forever. Thank you, for coming. I'm glad that you came with me, you came into my life Law." Hania said and looked at Law.

"I could never leave you, not just because you're my master, it's because I love you more than anything. And also because of this." Law said. And then he grabbed both of Hania's shoulders and pulled her into a hug, with her head rested in hus chest. And Hania's eyes widened in surprise of what she found out.

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