Chapter 37: Torn

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Law's POV ~
I carried Hania back to her apartment, to her room, most likely teleported. Roronoa-ya wasn't home, I guess that's for the best. I can't let him see her like this. I know she wouldn't want to.
I treated her first and changed her bandages. First of all I'm a doctor, so it's fine if I saw her body. I already saw her naked though, so it's fine. Anyway, I just let her rest for the moment.

A few minutes later ~
I just sat down on the floor beside her bed, waoting for her to regain consciousness.
"Law?" I heard her voice. I stood up, and I saw her eyes opened. She's awake. I felt relieved.

"What is it? Do you need something?" I answered her. She was just silent. Then she looked at me.

"I'll have my first wish." she said. But how come? What made her ask for a wish. Hania from the past never made any wishes. I wonder why she wants it now and what she wants to wish for.

"You must be tired. Everything that's happened maybe is just confusing you. I mean, it's not like you to make a wish. You said you'll never make any wishes." I said to her. I'm really concerned.

"You know, ever since my parents died, I got so depressed and distanced myself from everyone, even my own brother. When they found us in that car crash accident, Garp-san took care of us. That's where I met Luffy, Ace, and Sabo." she suddenly started.

"They were all so nice to me. Ace specially. Even though I kept ignoring him, he so stubborn to try to cheer me up, that as time goes by as we grew up together, I grew fond of him and started liking him. He never left me. He was always by my side, and he was the one who made me get back with my brother again. Then, when we both found out about our feeling for each other, we started dating." she continued as I listened. "I really loved him Law. I really did. But the last person I expected to hurt me, was him. That's why *sniffle* it hurts. It hurts so much *sniffle* to be hurt, specially by him." Hania started crying. I went closer to her and tried to wipe her tears.

"Is that why yo-"

"But then, you came along." What? She stopped me mid sentence looking at me and continued. But what does she mean by me?

"After my break up, I swore to never let a man in my life. Then suddenly, you unexpectedly came flying into my life. Everything you do confuses me, making me feel something again. I am starting to question myself of having these confusing feelings I feel for you Law. I am so torn." she continued as she cried. I couldn't say anything. I feel somewhat partly responsible. It's not her fault. She's just one girl, who's trying her best to keep up on everything.

"I just can't take it anymore. This feelings of loss, pain, and hurt, and confusion, I can't take it. It's too much for me. I want them to go away. I want them to disappear. That's why, I'm making this wish." I watched her sat up the bed as she continued. I really can't stop her from making a wish, but I can at least try to convince her if she's making the right decision.

"Hania, please. You must think this through. I don't want you to regret this decision."

"After making this wish come true. Feeling regret, won't even matter anymore. I'll make it disappear too, along with all I'm feeling." she said. I really don't want her to do this.

"Please Law, grant this for me." she pleaded. I can't refuse her either. I won't be able to do anything now. So I just nodded and accepted.

"My first wish, is to stop myself from feeling anything, no more emotions or feelings. That I won't have to ever feel, anything, ever again." she stated. I could never refuse, it's because of this goddamn curse! I got down, knelt on one knee, facing my master.

"As you wish master. I'll have your first wish granted." I said then snapped my finger. She then slowly closed her eyes, and her chest glowed in a shape of a heart.
By the time she opened her eyes, her face had a blank expression.

"Are you okay, Hania?" I asked.

"Yes. I am." she blankly answered in a monotoned voice. I couldn't hear any slight changes in her voice. Her expression was so blank, I couldn't tell what she's thinking.
It was like, she was empty.

(A/N: Welp, first wish is up. Hope you liked it. Thank you for reading. Don't forget to vote or comment. Take care minna and stay safe. See ya😉)

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