Chapter 53: Bare

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Narrator's POV ~
As the evening of the fireworks festival came to end, Zephania and Law decided to go rest and go home.

They both got off the gazebo roof and teleported back at the venue entrance. There they saw the Strawhat gang just walking out of the place.

"Oh, Hania." Chopper called while eating a large colorful cotton candy that they saw earlier.

"Hey guys. We were just about to head back." Zephania stated.

"Yeah, us too. Oh, I almost forgot, let's have a party before graduation." Nami said.

"Eh? A party, sounds good. Where?"

"At the beach. Let's meet there tomorrow, Vivi actually reserved us an inn. Perks of having a rich friend~" Nami said, her eyes formed into a money sign.

Zephania laughed this off and agreed to that both of them will catch up to the party tomorrow. Zoro then suddenly walks up to Zephania.

"I can't go home as of now either. I'll still be staying with the gang. You can handle yourself right?" Zoro said to his little sister.

"Yeah. I'll be fine. I'm with Law so you don't have to worry about me being alone." Zephania replied. Zoro turned to look at Law wearing a serious expression.

"Don't you dare do something to her, or else I'll cut you up." Zoro said, trying to threaten Law. Though Law wasn't affected by it.

"Yeah, sure." Law said, sweat dropping.

'Though, I kinda already did.' Law thought, knowing him and Zephania already had slept together.

"Okay guys. See you tomorrow." Nami said as she waved goodbye, while Zephania waved back.

"I almost forgot. The day after tomorrow is the graduation." Zephania said to herself.

The Strawhats then went ahead first, while Zephania and Law was still standing at the entrance, watching them walk away until they were out of sight.

"It seems like they're hiding something. Don't you think Law?" Zephania questioned.

Law already had that suspicion ever since his talk with Zoro, and that what they were doing is for Zephania. But what they were doing was also for the good of the country, taking down Crocodile will make the country less corrupted and it will also give their family closure.

"Whatever it is, maybe it's for a good reason." Law finally replied.

"Maybe you're right, let's go home then." Zephania said and held on to Law's hands. Law saw this as a sign of them to go, then a snap of his finger, they were at their doorstep.

Zephania unlocked the door and they went inside. As she was closing the door behind her, she was suddenly cornered with her back against the wall that was beside the door, feeling the warm lips of her lover pressed onto hers passionately.

When the door creaked shutting close, Law pulled away from the kiss, leaving Zephania panting for air.

"W-Wha-, T-That was-, I wasn't even ready!" Law chuckled at Zephania's reaction.

"You don't know how much I've held back throughout the evening, seeing you looking so beautiful, I didn't want anyone else to see you. I just wanted to lock you up and keep you to myself." Law said as he cupped her face while his other hand removed the hair ornament from her hair, leaving it to fall down. Zephania blushed at his words.

"W-Well, you promised my brother you wouldn't do anything. B-Besides, I-I mean, we already did it yesterday." it was all Zephania could think of saying, not trying to admit that she too felt the same.

"I didn't promise Roronoa-ya anything. Doing it yesterday, doesn't mean we can't do it again. Besides, don't tell me you don't feel the same, remembering you say to me, calling me, hot~" Law said, moving his face closer to hers, finally whispering the last words he said. It sent chills all over Zephania's body, feeling nervous at the same time excited.

Law then backed away with a smirk and looked at her flushed face.

"Y-You're wrong."

"Am I?" Law then slowly removed his upper part of the kimono, showing his bare tattooed chest and toned abs to her, seducing her while still wearing his signature smirk.

Zephania just stared at him and his body, and Law noticed this.

"What? It's hot here. Or is it just me." Law joked, and Zephania felt like having a nosebleed.

"Aw fuck it." Not able to hold back also, Zephania charged at Law, and smashed her lips with his, kissing deeply and passionately.

Law then removed her whole clothing, dropping them in floor while Zephania continued to remove his, leaving them both bare, their warm bodies pressed against each other. Zephania wrapped her arms around his neck while Law's hands roamed around her body, leaving shivers at everywhere he touched.

They continued their session in her bedroom, laying Zephania on the bed while Law on top of her. They finally broke off the kiss and they both gasped for air.

"My, brother's, gonna kill us." Zephania said between breaths.

"Only if he finds out." Law said and attacked her neck, kissing and sucking them hard, knowing where her weak spots were left Zephania a moaning mess. At where his lips touched, left marks on them, marking her as his alone.

His kisses moved lower to her chest and sucked on them, making her hitched her breath. He then moved back up to her and kissed her lips again, while his hand went to her inner thigh.

"Aagh~~" lightly massaging her soaking entrance, he then inserted his two fingers, making her slip from the kiss,
"AAGHH~" and making her moan aloud, arching her back at the sensation. He continued to pump his fingers inside her while kissing her again, leaving her moaning between the kiss.

When he felt she was ready, he slowly positioned his member at her entrance and slowly thrusted inside her.

"Nngghh~ S-So big." she moaned as he went deeper.

"So tight."

When he finally got to insert the whole thing, he started thrusting in and out. The room echoed with their skin slapping, the bed creaking and their moans and grunts.

Finally feeling their climax near, Law suddenly stopped, which left Zephania a bit disappointed.

"You want it?" Law teased her.

Zephania who was breathing heavily, face flushed and eyes lusting for her lover, nodded at his question.

He then slowly thrusted back, teasing her more and then stopped midway.

"Then beg for me, love~" he cooed in her ear, and continued to slowly move back, his member almost out of her.

"P-Please. Nnggh~ L-Law~" Law then stopped, almost pulling out. She then wrapped her arms around his body.

"Please Law. I want you~" Law smirked at this and finally smashed his hips back on to hers, making her arch her back from the pleasure, her nails digging at Law's back leaving scratches.

He continued to fasten his pace thrusting back and forth, with last full thrust, they both finally hit climax together.

Their bodies covered in heated sweat, finally giving out and lay together side by side on the bed. Law, covering both of them with clean sheets and turned to face each other.

Zephania smiled at him lovingly and kissed his lips, saying "I love you."

Instead of Law saying the same thing back, he replied which melted Zephania's heart.

"You're my life." before finally embracing each other and fell asleep.

(A/N: AAAAHHH!!! DAMNIT! HAHAHAHA, SO AWKWARD. I tried my best on this lemon/smut stuff. Forgive me if it was trashy and not right. I'm still learning. Heheh. I hope y'all still enjoyed it. Still embarrassed though, so next chapter please. Hahaha)

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