Chap. 21: Surprises

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Narrator's POV ~
       "Oh, look girls. She's not happy to see us. Well, guess what. We aren't either." Monet spatted on Zephania.

"Tch." was the only word that came out of her mouth as a reply.

"Whatever. Let's go girls." Monet said to her group, containing of Perona, Porche, and Kalifa. And then looked at Zephania with a disgusted look on her.

"See you later. Bitch." Monet said and started to walk with her group. And with what Monet said, something snapped inside of Zephania.

"What did you just say?" Zephania asked. And Monet and her group stopped on their tracks and turned to look back at Zephania with her golden eyes.

"Bitch? Did you just called me bitch? Well look who's talking?!" Zephania said that made all the students to look at their situation.

"Uhm. Excuse me?" Monet stated.
"Why don't you tell all the people who are listening right now what you're made of." Zephania glared at them. Especially to Monet.

"W-What are you talking about?" Monet stuttered as she knew what Zephania meant.

"What! Can't talk?!"

"Everyone! Do you actually believe this loser? I mean, come on. She's bluffing. This woman is just jealous of me, of my fame, fortune, popularity, and friends. She's just jealous." Monet announced so that everybody would hear.

"Jealous? Me? Of you? Then why are you so defensive?!"

"I'm not being, being def-"

"And why would I be jealous, of someone like you, Snake! In my entire life, I will never be a snake like you! Because I am not like you slutty bitch, who fucking sucks on every dicks on every fuckng guy you came to meet! Let them be with girlfriend or none!" Zephania shouted at her face. And now, Monet was shaking out of embarrassment while Zephania was breathing hard out of anger.

"Y-You fucking bitch!" Monet raced her hand to slap Zephania, without her noticing. But her hand was stopped midway, as two arms held hers.

"Stop it. That's enough."

"I may not know who you are, but I won't let you hurt her." Zephania heard two familiar voices. She looked up and saw, Law and Ace, holding Monet's arm, preventing her from hurting Zephania.

"Tch." Was all what Monet could say as she transformed her arms into snowy wings and her legs into bird legs and fleed from the crowd. And the crowd started to spread and break off.

When Law was sure the woman was gone, he rushed to Zephania's side.

"Are you alright. She didn't hurt you did she?" Law asked, whispering to her.

"I'm fine." Zephania said.

"And who are you to her?" Law suddenly asked Ace.

"Hmm? Oh, I guess, I'm kind of Hania's, ex-lover." Ace said looking down while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh. I see." Law said and looked back at her.

"And who are you to her?" Now Ace asked Law.

"Well, let's just say, she's my beautiful master. And I'm her powerful and handsome servant." Law smirked as he said those.

"Oh, okay. Then make sure you do your job as a servant and not to disappoint her, like I did." Ace said.

"And why should I take orders from you. You're not my master. So don't order me around." Law said to him.

"Alright fine. I get it. But make sure to protect her in my stead. So, see ya." Ace said and started to walkout.

"Law. Let's go home. I want to rest. And could you tell Makino that I'll be absent from work today. Just tell her I'm not feeling well." Zephania said in a soft voice, that only the two of them could hear.

"Of course." And then Law teleported back to their apartment, not too far from their school.

And as they got there, Zephania already fell asleep in Law's arms. So he carried her to bed, bridal style and let her rest there peacefully.

While at school, some group were eavesdropping both of Monet and Zephania's argument, and still remained when the fight was over.

"Heh. I didn't know you had it in you shrimp. I'm impressed. Now I'm starting to get interested in you more. I wonder what more of a surprise are you going to give next."

A certain red head said to himself, as he finally walked away with his group.

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