Chapter 26: Search

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Kid's POV ~
Where the hell is Killer. He said we would meet up. I'm in front of the gate right now. This freaking guard keeps staring at me like he's gonna piss his pants anytime.

"Huh!?" I glared at at him and he jumped back. Heh, pussy.

*bzzt* *bzzt*

Someone's calling. I took my phone out and, it's Killer.

"Oi Killer. What the hell is taking you so long, I've been here almost a fucking hour. Where the hell are you!" I shouted at the phone.

I noticed the guard looking more scared at me as I shouted through the phone. Whatever.

"My bad, Kid. Mister Dragon dropped on me a lot of tasks for the club activites. We can't meet, don't kill me." Killer said through the phone.

"I'll definitely kill you for making me wait."

"Fine, I'll treat the gang next time we hang, so don't kill me."

"Whatever." Then I turned off the phone.

Damn that killer. I'll just go home then.

I started walking away from the school gate, then suddenly I just bumped into something or someone that appeared in front of me out of nowhere.

"Damnit, watch where you're going asshole." I said. I looked to who it was, it was Trafalgar.

"Ugh, huh? Eustass-ya? Wait, Eustass-ya have you seen Hania!?" he exclaimed, he had a weird concerned look on his face.

Hania, shrimp?

"Hania? Roronoa Zoro's sister? Wait how the hell did you get here?" I asked.

"I teleported, now answer my question!"

"No I haven't. Geez don't shout I'm not freaking deaf." I answered.

"Damnit!" he cursed. What's going on?

"Why..?" I asked.

"I can't find her. She should've been back a few minutes ago. Something must've happened to her. I saw her here last."

Trafalgar looks like starting to loose his shit.

"Well why don't you call her." I said

"She won't hear me." he said.

"Dumbass, I meant call her on the phone."

"I don't own one, I thought I didn't need one."

"Yeah, until now. Ugh, fine, what's her number then." I took out my phone and waited for his amswer. I looked at him, he started to sweat.

Don't tell me.

"Uh, I didn't get to ask. I never needed." he said.

"The fuck, you stupid or something."

"What'd you call me!? Ugh, I don't have time to argue with you, I have to find her!" he said as he started to walk away.

"Wait." I grabbed his arm. "I'll help." I said.

"Huh? Why? What's your reason?" he asked.

"I'm bored. You said there's no time, so stop asking questions. Let's go!" he just nodded. So we both took off and started to search for her. We got into a corner with two directions.

"You take the left Eustass-ya, I'll take the right." Trafalgar suggested.

"Grrr! Don't order me!"


"Damn that Trafalshit, I'll get back at him.

Why the hell is this area so secluded. I don't see a single person on the street. The hell. It's starting to get pretty dark. We're losimg light. We won't be able to see that much then. We won't be able to find her

"Aargh! Aahk! AAARGHH!" I suddenly heard from a distance. It was a woman's scream. That voice, don't tell me.

I see an alley, I hear noises and voices getting louder coming from there. Then I stopped.

At first, I thought it was the shrimp the was standing because the person had green hair similar to hers. Then I noticed the person on the ground. I was wrong.

I couldn't believe what I'm seeing. A fight of a single defenseless girl, versus a group of four.  I could feel my blood boil as I see her figure weaken.


They stopped and turned around.

"Shit, we've been discovered. Let's go." The bird woman grabbed her companions and flew.

"Oh no, wait. The camera!" The blue haired girl suddenly shouted and dropped a camera.

What the hell, they were the women who shrimp stood up to. Is this their revenge? This isn't even a fight, this is just torture. Fucking brutal. Even I hate the idea of it.

I noticed shrimp start to crawl towards something, it was a plastic bag, she's trying to reach it.

Damnit, I'm so fucking pissed off right now. I can't watch her like this, so I started walking towards her.

I lifted her up and let her rest in my arms. She's beaten pretty badly, she's covered in blood and her clothes are ruined.

She's got a lot of wounds and bruises. I noticed she was holding something in her arms, it was a necklace.

Not a second later, her head fell to my arms. She must've passed out.

The fuck. If I hadn't got here on time, she would've died. I have to get Trafalgar. Damnit!


(A/N: Hello again minna. I'm back. I hope you're reading this. I'm so sorry that I've away for so long, but I'll make it up to you guys. I'm finally going to finish this. Thank you so much. Please don't forget to vote/comment here. Take care. See ya next time...😁)

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