Chapter 25: Danger pt.2

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Law's POV ~
Weird, it's been an hour and a half. Hania is supposed to be back a few minutes ago. I have to go get her.

"It's okay. I'll be fine."

She said she'll be fine, but I feel something is wrong.

Damn I have to check on her. But she'll get mad at me again for disturbing her. Ugh, what do I do.

I guess I'll check on her. I closed my eyes so I'll be able to locate her with the necklace.


Wait, something's wrong. I can't find her. She's not wearing necklace. Maybe she found out that I lied when I said she'll be cursed if something happens to the necklace and threw away the necklace. But if she threw it away, I should get hurt by now.

I was about to teleport back to the school gate, when I felt my body tremble.

Something must've happened. Hania must be in danger. Damnit! I have to find her!

Zephania's POV~
"Give that necklace back! Don't touch that with your dirty hands!" I shouted, try to reach my hand to hers.

"Why so worked up. Is this important too?" Monet observed the necklace and smirked.

"So shiny, I'm gonna keep this. It doesn't suit you anyway."

"No!" I couldn't get out from her claw's grip,
"Ow." so I hit her, and it scratched her face.

"You want it so bad? Go get it from the trash with your trashy existence." she loosened her grip on me and threw away the necklace.

I gathered the strength I could manage in order to run and catch the necklace. If hits the ground, it could hurt Law.

"Oh~? Nice catch." I heard Porche said.

"Hmm, not bad. But let's see if you can protect it." They all gathered to overshadowed me.

"Let's do it girls." What?

"Aargh! Aahk! AAARGHH!" Ahh, so that's their plan. Kalifa started kicking me and Monet started scratching me with her claws.

Damnit, my clothes are now bloody and torn. They're trying to pry the necklace from me.

I just crouched down with the necklace clutched carefully in my hands. How can I get home like this. Will I even make it out.

Ahh~ I'm so tired, my vision is getting blurry, I'm losing strength. Damnit, if I had my katana, I could at least be able to escape. I'm still so weak. I can't even protect a phone and a necklace. Damnit!

"Oi!" a man's voice appeared. The girls stopped, thankfully.

"What the hell is going on in here!" that voice is familiar.

"Shit. We've been discovered. Let's go!" I heard Monet say and I noticed she grabbed the three of them and flew away fast.

"Oh no, wait, the camera!" I could still hear Porche's voice.

I tried to get up, bit everything hurts. I dropped back to the ground. It's so painful.

Wait, the phone.

I gotta find the phone, maybe it's okay, maybe it can still be fixed. I try to lift my head to search for it. I see it. I can reach it. I started to crawl towards it.

Damn, my vision is fading. I have to reach it. I'm losing my stregnth. Where is it. My vision is getting dark, where is it.

Oh no  I'm losing consciousness. I have to reach.

*stomp* *stomp*

I hear footsteps getting closer, it must be the man. I felt him gently lifting me and held me. Before I could clearly see who it was, I blacked out.

(A/N: Hey minna. How are y'all doing. I hope you're alright. Finally finished with this chapter. I hope you liked it. Don't forget to vote/comment. I really appreciate it. Also, who do you think is her savior? You can comment your guesses too. Hehe, see ya...)

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