Chapter 35: Trouble at works pt.2

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Ace's POV ~
Dang. I overslept. Makino-san is gonna scold be again. I'm so late!

I rode on my motorbike going to the cafe. Well, thinking about it, I'll be able to see her. It's been a while though. I really miss her.

I got in front of the cafe. I heard loud noises coming from inside. I then heard her voice, shouting. What's going on? I got off my bike and walked inside.

"Hey everyone. Sorry I'm late. I heard loud noises. What's the fuss abou-" I stopped on my tracks when I saw two large, who I've never seen before, the other one grabbing Makino-san. While outside the kitchen, was the newcomer and Hania. I don't really get it, but I smell trouble.

"Oi. What the hell is going on here." I said to those hoodlums.

"Neh, nii-chan. We don't want any trouble. We just want the green haired girl named Roronoa Zephania and that girl claimed that she's the one we're after." one of the guy said and pointed at Hania. I noticed the newcomer, Law was it, covering Hania, as if protecting her. What is he to her? Nevermind that.

"If you want her, then you're already asking for trouble!" I said as I charged at them. The guy grabbing Makino-san threw her, but Penguin and Shachi caught her on time. I don't need to use my power on this scumbugs.

As I got close, he was about to pull out a gun but I punched the first guy down to the ground, breaking the floor. He seemed to have lost consciousness.

"Grrr! Give us the girl!" Then, the second guy next.


A blue sphere suddenly enveloped the place. What is this?

"AAAHHHH!!!" I heard the secind guy screamed. When I turned around, the second guy's body parts got disassembled into pieces. How? Did the newcomer did that?

"Minna, I already called Officer Smoker-san. He'll be right over." I heard Vivi came out of the kitchen. That's good, these scumbags will know not to mess with us. There'd better not be a next time.

"Wait, these men. I recognize them." We all turned to look at Vivi.

"Who are they Vivi?" Hania asked.

"I've seen them, when Igaram and I went undercover to locate a secret organization that wants to overthrow my father's position as president of the country. We found them eventually and handed them to the officials. But if they're here, then something is not right." Vivi stated.

"Is it safe for you to be out here since your father is the president?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm fine. I always have a company with me. Pell, one of the best and good bodyguards I've had been with ever since I were little. He's somewhere in the area. He thinks I don't notice him, but I just let him be. As you can see, I'll be fine." Vivi replied. Well, if she says so.

A minute later, officer Smoker came and took the men and left.

"Maybe the one you found was just a pawn, a fake, to keep you from discovering the real organization. It has to be since those men are still active, taking orders from the boss that they mentioned." Law suddenly said.

"It can't be." Vivi was shocked, maybe bothered for the fact that what Law said was possible. I think so too.

That Law guy was strong though. Apparently smart too. He protected Hania earlier. I looked at her, and I noticed she was slightly gripping onto Law's shirt.

I know we broke up, but it doesn't mean I don't care for her. Damnit, I still love her.

So what is it with this Law? What is he to her?

Zephania's POV ~
After the incident, Officer Smoker came and took the men to his custody. That's what they get! Vivi went ahead also, saying she has something important to do. Must be about what Law said earlier
Oh no. Miss Makino. I ran towards her, checking how she is.

"Miss Makino? Are you alright?" I asked, concerened.

"Yes. I'll be fine. Thank you for worrying." she said and just smiled.

"I'm sorry, this is my fault. You were the one who got hurt instead of me. I'm so sorry." I bowed down in apology.

"I don't blame you at all Zephania. I'm just glad they didn't get to you." she said and patted my head. Miss Makino is so kind.

I looked back at her and she smiled genuinely again. Her partner is so lucky to have her.

"But do you know those men who were after you?" Vivi asked.

"No. I've never seen them before. I don't know what they want or why they want me." I answered.

I don't know what their purpose was, but seeing Ace and Law taking down those men, made me feel safe.

"Well, after all that happened, I think it's better if we all just go home and rest. That was quite troubling." Miss Makino suggested.

"Makino! I heard what happened. Are you alright?" Somebody came in the cafe. We looked at the door, and it was "Mr. Shanks!?" I suddenly shouted.

"Oh. Hey. What are you students doing here?"

"We work here. What about you?" Law said.

"I'm here to come get Makino." Mr. Shanks said. We were all confused, except for Ace. Miss Makino suddenly giggled.

"Hehe, everyone. Shanks here, is my husband."

"Eeehhhh? Then, why do you let us call you Miss Makino, when you were a Misses?" Bepo asked while in shock.

"Well, being called Miss just sounds younger. Hehe."

We were all genuinely surprised. We didn't expect Mr. Shanks to hit the jackpot or to even got married.

"Well then Zephania, I'll leave the locking of the cafe to you again. Take care." Wait what? Again?

"O-Okay." I can't refuse anyway.

Then they all started going home. Leaving Law, Ace, and me. Great. That was sarcasm by the way.

"Hania?" Huh? Ace suddenly called out to me.

"Can we talk?"

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