Chap. 12: Memories for Centuries

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Narrator's POV ~
"You can go home if you want Law. Or, do you, want to, come with me." she said. And something triggered inside of Law, with only those last words. He started to remember the familiar thing that has happened to him lately. He remembered something, something from his past, somewhere centuries ago.

Flashback ~
A Few Centuries Ago~

"Oi Law! What are you doing with my clothes!?"

"I'm just gonna replace this old clothes of yours into new ones, Hania." Law said to the female in front of him. They were both inside her room, separated from the women's room in the Strawhats pirate ship.

"Law, what are these?" Hania said as she raised the very thin and tight tank tops and a very short tight shorts.

"Yor new clothes." he said looking at her as he was imagining her wearing those.

"Baka! Give me back my old clothes. I'm not going to wear these!"
"Eh? Why not? Don't worry. You'll look good in these. You'll only wear it in front of me, only. Besides, you wearing that turns me on. It'll be fun." Law said and stood up from the floor and walked towards Hania. And Hania walked backwards, away from the genie that was walking towards her.

"What are thinking about again Law?" she asked him while she keeps on backing up, but was now cornered as she felt the wall on her back.

"Something, interesting and fun." Law said and was now in front of Hania. He then quickly grabbed both of her hands and pinned them above her.

"Let me go Law!" she struggled against his grip.

"Hmm, no. I like this view better." he said and smirked at her.

"B-Baka! Trafalgar Law baka! L-Let me go! Baka! Baka! Baka!" she shouted.

*knock knock*

"Hey, is everything alright in there? I heard shouting. Hania-san, are you okay?" someone knocked on the door.

"S-Sanj- hmmpp." she tried to call out to Sanji who was outside the door, but was unable to continue as Law kissed her. Her eyes widened, cheeks blushing. After a few seconds, Law separated from her smirking.

"Everything's fine in here Black Leg-ya." Law said from inside looking at the door. And Sanji heard him from outside and said,

"Oh, alright. I'll be going back in the kitchen then." and started walking away, back to the kitchen.

"Sure." Law whispered and then looked back at Hania.

"W-Why did you do that?" she asked still wide eyes.

"Well, it's fun to have play and tease with you. I like having fun with you master." Law said. And Hania's expression went dark, feeling disappointed.

She always liked Law ever since he came into her life. Not just a servant, master, kind of love. A real true love. But, she never really thought that, it would somehow end up like this.



Law was suddenly confused at her words and removed his hands from her and let her go. And Hania let down her hands beside her.

"How could you say something like that. Even though you said I'm your master, but you're treating me like you're toy. It doesn't mean you're a genie, means you're greater than all of us. You're a human too, but only with powers like my crew. But, me. I only got joined in the crew because they convinced my brother Zoro, and he couldn't leave me alone, even though I'm not that weak of swordfighting like him, so that's why I'm here. So don't you toy around with us! Don't play around with our feelings! You should never play with peoples feelings Law! We are all fragile! We break easily, that's why, we should all be treated with care, not like a toy that you always play around whenever you like and just leave them alone when the time comes when you tire of them or get bored of them. So, please. Stop it." Hania started shouting at Law while looking down, her green bangs covering her eyes. Law saw the disappointment in her voice. And he somehow felt really bad. So, he thought of apologising.

"My bad, Hania." Law said and reached out his hands and grabbed her chin and raised it up so Hania was now facing Law. But instead of seeing her starting to cheer up, he saw the crying face of Hania, looking straight at him.

His eyes widened as he saw her like that. And it somehow shot pain into him.

"I'm, I'm really sorry for making you sad. But, now I understand. You're more different and more special than the other masters I've encountered. Maybe my charms doesn't work on you. But, you know, I like you for that." Law said what he wanted to say to her. And Hania fell in shock of his words, but she recovered quickly.

"Shut up, baka Law! You're playing with me again!" she shouted at him.

"No, I'm not. And what I'm saying right now, is true. I do like you. No more playing, or hurting. I really like you master Hania." Law said. And Hania's face turned dark red.

"Oh, you're blushing." Law said.

"D-Do you really mean it?" Hania asked.

"Yeah." he answered.

"O-Oh." Hania said and then looked down.

"Why? You, don't feel the same, do you? Well, I guess it's fine, as long as your-"

"N-No. Honestly, I feel, really happy, you confessing to me and all, because... I feel the same way too." Hania said and then looked up at Law, smiling.

"But" she added.

"But?" Law repeated.

"You confessed to me with your words, but, I'm not sure if this one does." Hania sadly said and pointed out to Law's chest.

"My, heart?" he said. And Hania nodded.

"You know I know about that." she said to him. But Law just took her hands from his chest and held them and smiled.

"You don't need to have a problem with that. What matters is, our feelings for each other, and won't play with those feeings for the both of us. Don't worry about my heart." Law said.

"Okay." she said and smiled.

"LAND! MINNA, I SEE AN ISLAND!" Zoro announced from the crows nest of Sunny Go.

"Ah, land. Let's go there once we get there, Law." Hania cheered.

"What a sudden change of mood." Law smirked.

"Hihihi, let's go."

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