1 // Are you new here?

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I had a girl hanging off my arm whining that is never called her from last week, I rolled my eyes as another approached me giving me the same old flirty smile.

"Nathan" she greeted me, "How are you?"

Come on, you don't care how I am... You just want to get into my trousers. I normally wouldn't complain but today it was grating on me and I wasn't sure why.

"Nathan?" She pressed giving me a shove, "Don't ignore me!"

This was a usual day at college for me, since I had arrived here in September all the girls swamped me with numbers and we're all up for one night stands.
This was a new part of town for me, and nobody knew me prior to being here, I had two best friends; Angelo and Liam that I'd made since and that pretty much who I hung around with and occasionally I made it class.

I guess I was your typical bad boy and I played up to the stereotype, it was my reason to treat girls like shit. They'd already tarred me with that brush so why not use it to my advantage?

"Nathan, you wanna come over this weekend?" Bethany asked pulling me from my thoughts, I glanced over at her. She wasn't bad, blonde hair, big boobs probably a 7/10. I'd think about it, I guess.

"Maybe, I don't know if I have any plan-"

Something cut me off, a volleyball came straight over hitting Bethany square in the face, she screamed a high pitch scream causing my ears to ring.

I stifled a laugh putting on my best concerned face I glanced over at where the ball had come from and a brown haired girl was already running over.

"My bad" she shrugged picking up the ball, she glanced at me then at Bethany. Her eyes a pale shade of brown, almost yellow. I hadn't seen her around before, was she new?

"Bitch!" Bethany shouted still hanging on my arm, "you broke my nail!"

"Boo hoo Bethany" she rolled her eyes sarcastically, "maybe if you weren't just standing around in the middle of the court you wouldn't get hit, right?"

I flashed her my best smirk, but all she did was glare at me. My eyes raked her body, she had curved hips and a slim waist. She was definitely a 9/10, she was-

"Finished looking you creep?" She snapped pulling my eyes up to her face, she had a small dimple on the left side that made her look sweet, but she was feisty and I loved it.

"Are you new here?" I asked,

"No asshole, I've been in all your classes since September."

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