46// The card

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You guys are really motivating me to write more, thanks for taking the time to read it. Keep voting if you're enjoying it. It's a little longer than usual too 😊

It was almost 10, the party was only just getting started and I was already feeling pretty drunk. I'd been doing shots since eight with Angelo and Liam.

"Happy birthday" Tatiana said embracing me as she arrived through the door, Angelo just stood there uncomfortable glancing at Tatiana and then back at me. I gave him a questionable look, Did he like her? Was something going on?

"Thanks" I smiled, "Angelo is just over there" I pointed to where he was standing in the kitchen and he gave me a glare before she laughed and made her way over.

I was disappointed that Tatiana arrived alone, I did invite Lorena but she was still a no show up to now. It was still early and she seemed pretty eager when I mentioned it earlier, I smiled at a few of the people standing in the front room. I could barely recognise some of them, but I suppose that's what college parties were like, everybody turned up even if you didn't know who the hell they were.

"Birthday boy all alone?"

A pair of hands were on my eyes, they were dainty and I instantly knew they were hers. I grinned from ear to ear as I felt her presence, and she spun me round to face her.
I glanced over her body, she looked amazing. She wore a red split skirt and a black tight cropped top showing just enough of her waist, her hair was curly and flowed way past her shoulders.

"Thanks for inviting me" she smiled, "have you read my card?"

I shook my head, "I was waiting for you."

She brushed her hand over mine before pulling out a large bottle of Jack Daniels from her bag, "an early birthday present." She laughed as I noticed almost a quarter was missing, holding her hands up, "Sorry, I had some before I left."

I grabbed the bottle and flashed her a small grin, "let me get you a glass."

I rushed to the kitchen and gave Angelo a high five as I reached the cupboard out of sight from Lorena. "Man, she is so hot" he whined, "now I know why you keep going back for more."

I gave him a look, "aye" I started, "it's not like that. I-I think I like her" I said stuttering slightly on my words, I decided to go easy on the drink. I needed to focus, I didn't want to embarrass myself tonight or act like a dick as usual, Angelo chuckled and gave me a shove back in Lorena's direction.

"This is strange right? Hanging out in public?" She said taking the glass of JD and sipping it slightly.

"Yeah but I like it" I admitted slouching slightly to get to her height, "I've missed you..."

She blushed a little, not looking at me in the eyes anymore her eyes darted around the room, "I missed you too."

"It's been three days" I put three fingers up to empathise, she gave me a stern look before her eyes dropped to the floor.

"Will you ever forgive what I did?" She asked lowly, "I keep coming back hoping you might, but you punish me again and again-"

"I don't punish you" I laughed slightly at her choice of words, "you'd know about it if I did."

She bit her lip, making my insides twinge. I hadn't a clue what kind of power this girl had but it was beyond my control. Trouble is did I forgive her, in fact I forgave her that same night i found out, I just became worried that she was playing me still, but she was here without Kaycie, without Ava. She was here with me and that's all I cared about.

"Open your card" she said  swiftly changing the subject, she obviously felt the chemistry too, I'm pretty sure everyone in the room did.

"Alright come..." I said walking to my bedroom, she followed me and closed the door behind us. She was acting shifty and I couldn't think why, maybe because we were alone together?

"You didn't have to get me a card" I said reaching for it, I noted the little heart above my name. It was cute, I ripped open the edge carefully and glanced towards her, she was watching me intently.

The card was a sweet one, all fancy red and gold. 'Someone special' indented along the top, I smiled. I opened up the card to read what was inside and got the shock of my life, I didn't know if this was serious or some kind of joke? I read it four times before closing my eyes and I could still visualise her handwriting looping through the words.

To Nathan,

Happy birthday, you really are someone quite special.
I'm leaving for LA next week but this card is just to thank you for being so kind to me since we met.

Your friend,
Lorena xx

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