29// Worth it

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I woke up tired, I felt drained, confused and very pissed off.
Why would she just leave like that? After I told her I liked her too and made myself look like a fool.
I turned over and pulled the cover over my head and took a deep breath, I needed to pull it together. I can't like her that much, I needed to get a grip and forget about it.

I checked the clock, it was almost midday. I dragged myself away from the bed to brush my teeth, but before I got to the bathroom there was a light knock at the door. I groaned, I didn't want to socialise today, with anybody.. Not even Angelo or Liam could get me out of this shit mood.
I opened the door slightly, seeing Lorena standing there bold as brass.

"Hey" she smiled a little.

I stood there in amazement, was this girl for real? How could she just turn up after last night?!
"What?" I snapped, "What do you want?"

"I'm sorry" she said softly, "I'm sorry for last night... I'm a nightmare I know I am."

"Understatement" I replied harshly, "why are you here?"

"Don't be like that" she frowned a little, "I've apologised."

What's changed her tune? She couldn't just flip from hot to cold back to hot again. This was too weird, how could she just change so suddenly? What was she playing at?

I narrowed my eyes, "What's up with you?"

"Nothing?" She said, "why has something got to be wrong? I'm here to apologise, things can go back to the way they were."

"No they can't" I held my breath slightly, "They can't because I'm done, you can't just change your mind like that. You're unbelievable, I've felt like shit all night for you to just suddenly change your mind?"

I was suspicious, she couldn't have that big of a personality problem to make drastic mood changes like this. What was really behind all this?

"Nathan" she started, "I was just scared, I like you... I was being stupid last night, I was in too deep."

"So you run back to Adam and then come back to me today?" I narrowed my eyes again, not believing a word of it. "You better tell me what's going on."

She paused a little, her facial expression changing to panic, she gulped slightly as she stuttered half her words. "Nathan- I- I- Can't really say..."

"Spit it out" I rolled my eyes, "or I'm shutting my door and enjoying the rest of my day.."

"Nathan!" She half shouted at me, "Kaycie doesn't like you, I don't want to step on her cousins toes, she's my best friend and I can't risk making it awkward between us."

That annoying bītch, ruining everything. How could she change her mind so easily? Was she that good of a friend?

"Are you sure?" I asked, "she hasn't said anything about Ava has she?"

She shook her head quickly, "I'm sorry, I know I'm a bitch sometimes-"

"You're worth it" I blurted out, making us both blush, I wanted to take it back and tell her to go to hell, but seeing her at my door this morning. I knew I'd never turn her away, she probably had me wrapped around her little finger already. I say probably, she definitely had something over me that no one has had before.

Not even Ava.

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