36// Cheese

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"Nathan" Gloria greeted me with a warm smile, I returned it as my mother and Gloria started chatting away about me coming down for the weekend.

"Hey" Ava smiled, she flickered her eyes over my body and played with her hair. I stared at her, giving her a harsh look not even acknowledging her hello.

"Let's go eat" Gloria said walking towards the restaurant door, my mother in tow leaving me and Ava at the car.

"I know about Lorena and you, the deal you had" I said, she gave me a worried glance before shaking her head sympathetically.

"I'm sorry, it was her idea-"

"I don't give a shīt" I shrugged, "I hate you as much as her, I don't care who said what. You're a nasty piece of work, a piece of shīt that I just can't shake off" I pointed at her, jabbing her in the shoulder with my finger. She looked shocked, probably hurt but I didn't care it wasn't a patch on how I was feeling.

"You like her don't you?" Ava asked as I turned away, "usually you wouldn't give a shit, you like her! I know you!"

"I guess your plan backfired" I said smugly as I stepped inside to find my mum and Gloria.

They were too busy nattering away to each other as I sat down next to Gloria, leaving a space opposite for Ava. I wish I never even came here, I should have just shut myself in my college apartment for a few days, this was a nightmare.

"So how's college Nathan?" Gloria asked with a smile, she glanced at Ava as she sat down. "I wish you went college honey.."

"Didn't you get the grades?" I mocked, she gave me a glare and my mum elbowed me.

"I did get the grades, I just didn't know what to study but how is college Nate?" Ava gave me a sarcastic smile, "Kaycie told me you have a new girlfriend?"

I rolled my eyes as my mum soon piped up, "really?"

"No" I snapped folding my arms, "Kaycie doesn't know anything."

"Lorena" Ava jeered, "isn't that her name?"

"She isn't my girlfriend,"

"Isn't that the girl who called you yesterday?" My mum asked, Gloria looked intently between Ava and I.

"Yeah, we had an argument" I admitted, "it's nothing to worry about. I'm fine, we weren't anything serious."

"It's all the same these youngsters, they go out have fun" Gloria broke the uncomfortable atmosphere, "Ava's the same, boy after boy-"

"Mum!" Ava snapped, "I do not!"

"Oh please" Gloria said, "I even remember when you two had a fling!"

I laughed at her abruptness, she was right it probably was just a fling to Ava. She wasn't a virgin when I met her, so how many other guys did she date around the same time as me?

"You both basically grew up together, I never did understand it. You were inseparable for years" my mum said, "let me get a photo of you both... All grown up, this is the last time you'll probably be around together, you'll grow up and have separate lives."

"No" I said quickly, "no-"

"Nonsense" Ava smiled, "Sure Hayley we'll get a picture move over Nathan." She leant over and squeezed in beside me, her thigh brushing dangerously close to mine. I could smell her perfume, the same kind she wore years ago. I used to love that smell, now it made me want to gag.

"Smile Nate" my mother ordered.


"Cheese" I said sarcastically.

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