4 // College girls

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"You still angry?" Angelo asked handing me a beer, he patted my shoulder giving me a concerned glance as he sat opposite me.

"Nah" I lied, "it was just her annoying friend, you know what girls are like eh,"

"Yeah forget about her Nathan, all that drama ain't worth it" he shrugged taking a sip of his beer, "We have the big night ahead right?"

I smiled, we'd been waiting for this party for over three weeks. Apparently it was going to be the biggest party from college, it was at a girl called Tatiana house she was cute and had invited us weeks ago, her parents had brought a house so it was a sort of a house warming.

"So when are we leaving?" He asked glancing at his watch,

"Whenever, is Liam meeting us there?"

"Yeah, his going with that Sarah girl" Angelo rolled his eyes, he didn't like Sarah she was annoying as hell and clingy as fuck. I wasn't her biggest fan but she had a few cute friends.

"Come on man, let's make a move" I said, "it's almost ten."


The party was full of grinding bodies by the time we'd got there, I was definitely gonna get lucky tonight. The girls were dressed mainly in short dresses and makeup that could fool anyone.
I glanced around the room taking it all in, I could see a few people I recognised  so made a memo to stay clear. Never sleep with the same girl twice, that was mine and Angelo's rule. The second time they expected something, like a date or a relationship.

"Hey" Tatiana smiled approaching me with a cup, my eyes diverted to her body. A definite 8/10, she had the legs.

"Nice place you got here" I said after a slight pause, "I mean from what I can see."

"I could always give you the grand tour?"

She was flirting with me, it was so obvious. I wanted to roll my eyes and tell her good night but everyone else seemed preoccupied already.
She grabbed my arm pulling me to the stairs, I gulped back my drink quickly, wiping my face with the back of my hand. She flashed me a fake smile as she lead me upstairs, it was quieter up here at least.

"So this is the upstairs" she giggled hanging on my arm,

"Yeah" I said flatly, I'd only just arrived and I already wanted to leave.

"I'll show you my bedroom" she shot me a flirtatious look, opening the last door she pushed me gently inside.

You'd never think it'll be this easy, but really... It is, college was full of chicks like this who just easy to sleep with.

"Shit!" Tatiana shouted at someone behind me, "I didn't know you was here, I-"

"You told me I could change here Tatiana and who the hell is this?"

I turned around and couldn't quite believe my life, was god out to get me? Was the grim reaper going to suddenly appear and save me? I pinched myself, surely it wasn't the alcohol already? I must have been spiked.

I blinked a few times, but no it was her.

It was Lorena.

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