56// Perfume

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The dance floor was practically at a standstill, it was so busy I could hardly breathe. I was half drunk by now and I'd lost Angelo and Liam somewhere between here and the bathroom.

I ducked and dived between the crowd in attempt to find them, having no luck as I reached well over to the other side.
"Hey birthday boy" a voice called from the crowd, turning around I noticed it was the girl from the bar earlier.

I gave her a small smile and approached her, staggering as best I could in a straight line. "Hi, how you doing?" I asked as politely as I could.

She laughed a little and grabbed my hand, she started introducing me to her friends. I wasn't taking in what they were saying, all I could focus on was the fact that someone was wearing Lorena's perfume. It was a sweet smell that is only smelt on her skin before, I loved it so much because it was light and didn't choke you like most girls perfumes.

"What's your name?" The girl asked giving me a little shake,

"Nathan" I said, "you?"

"Gina" she gave a little twirl, causing me to look at her rear, still only a 7/10 but it was a strong 7.

She put a hand around my neck, motioning me to come and sit with her friends, I shook my head. I needed to find Angelo and Liam, I wanted to go home.

"Okay, just one dance with me" she whined pulling on my neck, "please."

I nodded reluctantly, holding her waist we started to dance to the music. I couldn't wait for the song to change, this didn't feel right. As drunk as I was, all I could still think about what Lorena, I wondered what she was up to now? Was she still mad with me? I'd hoped she hadn't gone back to Adam after all of this, I couldn't bare the thought.

I glanced upwards and noticed Gina's lips coming towards me, her eyes closed ready for a kiss. My eyes widened, I guess it was now or never. Not knowing what to do, I guess I could see how it felt, if I could actually feel something with someone else other than Lorena.

I closed my eyes until my mouth met hers, trying so hard to enjoy the kiss but it was impossible. I could smell Lorena's perfume, it was in my nose. I thought maybe Gina had it on, but though otherwise as I didn't smell it earlier.

"Nathan?" I heard a voice and as I swung around I couldn't believe my luck, her face was a picture. She looked mad, more than mad she looked devastated. I couldn't believe this was happening and everything was going into slow motion around me. I didn't even know she went to nightclubs, looking past her I noticed Tatiana, well that's just great.

"Nathan?" She said again in disbelief as she now turned to Gina who was as wide eyed as me, asking her politely to leave us alone for a minute.

"Nathan?" She asked the final time, probably hoping for an explanation but I didn't have any. I was an asshole and she knew it, the way she looked at me in pure disappointment almost broke my heart as she turned away from me and began walking away.

"Lorena, wait!" I shouted after her.

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