5 // Personailty Issues

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She stared at me too, she wasn't just staring, she was glaring. She looked angry, in fact she looked absolutely fuming. Nether of us spoke, it was Tatiana who broke the silence first.

"Lorena? You know Nathan right?"

"I know him" she said angrily, her words slurred slightly. I'm guessing she could have been tipsy, "Sorry Ana, can you give us a sec?"

Tatiana looked between us both, giving a concerned look she nodded before leaving the room, I wasn't sure whether to be relieved or worried. I took the opportunity to give her a glance over, she was wearing ripped jeans and a cropped pink jumper. I couldn't believe how any girl could look so sexy in a pair of jeans?!

"What the fuck are you doing here?" She snapped harshly, making me stare at her face. Her hair was neatly straight and she had a middle parting, her makeup minimalistic.

"It's a party" I said sarcastically,

"A party yes, so why are you taking my cousin up to the bedrooms?"

I rolled my eyes for real this time, I had just about had enough of this girl power shit.
"Actually she brought me here, I mean go and ask her if you really want" I shrugged,

"I don't care, just leave my cousin alone" she said holding her hand up to refrain me from speaking, I couldn't quite understand her attitude. She was so angry yet I hadn't even done anything to her, surely the things she heard couldn't be that bad?

"Why are you so annoyed?" I asked,

"I'm not annoyed I just don't want my cousin getting hurt because of someone like you!"

"Someone like me? Oh so because your annoying friend tells you some shit about me then I'm automatically such a bad person?" I snapped, "you don't know anything about me."

"I know enough!" She was full on shouting at me now, her face screwed up in disgust.

I didn't say anything, I was sick of these girls thinking they had the right to act like they know me.

"Just please, leave my cousin alone" she said again, putting the point across by folding her arms.

"Look, I don't even like your cousin okay?" I snapped ready to leave, I could have anyone I wanted at the party so why was I here speaking to these stuck up bitches,

"Where are you going?"

I slowed toward the door, "Well you've changed your tune, a minute ago I was the worst person alive, why are you so concerned?" I said sarcastically.

"It's just a question, I'm not a lover of parties" Lorena said scratching her neck, she seemed uncomfortable, like she was half shy.

"Well I'm about to go downstairs and get another drink because sure as hell I need one."

Lorena picked up her bag rooting around inside she held up a bottle of Jack Daniels giving me a smirk, I narrowed my eyes. Why did she just change all of a sudden? A minute ago she couldn't stand the sight of me.

"Stay here with me, forget about the party?" Lorena asked, I stared at her. She must definitely be more drunk than I first thought, either that or this girl has some serious personality issues.

"Er- yeah" I said shrugging, "Alright cool. Just give me some of that" I said pointing to the Jack Daniels.


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What does everybody think of Lorena so far? And why has she suddenly changed towards Nathan?


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