6 // Persuading

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Is had way too much to drink, in fact I had so much my vision was blurry.
Lorena was laughing hysterically at something I'd said but for the life of me I couldn't remember what.

"You are too funny Nathan" she said hitting my shoulder playfully,

"I do try" I said pulling her up from the floor, I dragged her over to sit on the bed. The floor was hard, my back was aching already.

"Nathan, are you taking me to bed?" She pouted, I had to look twice. Surely she wasn't flirting with me, I shook my head, nah she can't be. It was the drink talking, this is how all girls acted.

"I'm not" I said holding my hands up, "the floor is hurting my back."

She flashed me a smile before grabbing her phone that was vibrating in her purse, she checked the caller I.D before glancing at me hesitatingly. She took the call, but she was slurring her words.

"What do you want?" She snapped angrily which made my eyebrows frown, why was she angry all of a sudden, "No, I don't give a shit... Lewis, I don't care okay?"
I sat up a little, so what now she had a boyfriend? Who's Lewis?
"You broke up with me!"
Okay so ex boyfriend, I felt my face relax., she glanced back to me before speaking again. "Go to hell!" she hung up, throwing the phone on the bed.

It was silent for a few minutes before Lorena spoke again, "Why are all relationships such hard work?"

I thought about it, they really were. Ava always wanted to know where I was, when I was going out, who I was with and then she had the cheek to cheat on me. That's why I vowed never to trust a girl again, never let my feelings get involved with anyone.

"Not that you know about a relationship" she said, "I heard about your other girlfriend."

"No you heard your annoying friends side of things" I said growing agitated.

"Really? Then tell me the real side of things" she smirked, "Don't tell me Nathan got his heart broken?"

I did, but I wasn't about to admit that, not out loud especially not to Lorena.

"No" I said, "I didn't get my heart broken, it's nothing."

I took another sip of my drink brushing off all my anger and irritation, I guess she didn't know any different about me. Everybody thought I was this hot shot player, that I didn't have feelings, but Ava she was different, well I thought she was.

"I loved Lewis" she said lowly, "now I want revenge for what he did to me,"

"You shouldn't hold grudges, they'll turn you insane-"

"Sleep with me" she said boldly.

I choked on my drink, coughing and spluttering I glared at her but her face told me she was deadly serious.

"I want to get payback, I want to get over him" she said before I could speak, "come on Nathan, sleep with me."

That's all the persuading I needed.

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