42// I need you

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She was shivering by the time I got there and I instantly felt bad for not waiting for her to get in earlier, I should have waited before I sped off in a mood.

"Hey" I said as she rushed in the car, she gave me a small smile and she clipped in her belt. "Sorry, you look cold?"

She gave me a knowing look, "I'm freezing."

I switched on the hearing full blast and she hunched over towards it, "thanks for coming."

"Pleasure" I said, I instantly regretted it as her eyes lit up at my tone. "I'd warm you up but I think that's pretty inappropriate considering the circumstances."

She laughed a little, "I didn't think you'd find anything inappropriate."

"Oh believe me" I joked, "you'd be surprised."

"Really?" She mocked shaking her head, I glanced over and for a second I'd forgot that she'd done what she did. Even though it was just a weekend, I'd missed being so close with her.

"Do you wanna stay at mine? I mean- I'll sleep on the sofa of course" I added quickly, "I wouldn't wanna send you to Kaycie, I know how annoying she is."

She thought about it for a second before turning to me, "it's fine Nathan... I'll be fine."

I felt a pang of disappointment that she didn't want to spend any more time with me, she probably noticed because my facial expression changed.

"This is difficult for me" she said boldly, "I miss you. I can't just spend a night at your house and go back to you ignoring my existence, I'm sorry" she put a hand through her hair.

"It's not about me ignoring you, I'm mad with you" I replied, "you would be too."

"I would" she agreed, not adding anything else and silence filled the car. I still hadn't moved from the spot is picked her up from. I gripped the steering wheel to stop me from comforting her, kissing her, I don't know what I'd do.

"I know" I said softly, "you probably didn't expect all of this... I get why Kaycie and Ava would ask you to do that but you really fooled me-"

"It wasn't even like that, I didn't expect you to be like this" she squeezed her eyes shut,

"Like what?"

"You are so good to me" she looked at me making my heart beat faster, "and I like you so much, even if you don't believe me, I do" she touched my arm making me flinch slightly and I tensed my jaw from her words. She needed to stop before it was too late, trouble is I don't think I was strong enough to stop her either.

"Say something" she said desperately,

"I'm not sure what to say, what if I fall for it again and it was all a joke? I can't go back to the way things were" I hated the words that were coming out of my mouth but I couldn't help it, I needed her to know how I felt.

"Can we just have one last night?" She asked, making me go wide eyed and glance at her. She looked back at me, "I need to get over you, I want you out of my system.. Please? This is the last and final time you'll hear from me Nathan, I just need you one last time."

How could I resist the girl I'd been crazy about for these past weeks, the girl who'd gotten so deep under my skin, I couldn't.

"I need you too."

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