50// Nightmare

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I was finally alone probably the last thing I wanted on my birthday but happy enough that Ava and Kaycie were as far away from me as need be. I sighed, staring at my phone waiting for Lorena to call, would she even call?
I tried to make sense of my feelings still not really feelings completely alcohol free, everything's been blown out of proportion, massively and worst of all I don't even know how to feel.

My phone rang making me jump as I didn't even check the ID before answering.


"Nathan" I heard her shaky voice, "I'm sorry about earlier."

"Where are you?" I asked her, the background noise suggested she might be out somewhere m. I could hear music and people shouting, it was as if she was at a party or a club.

"I'm out" she was slurring her words, she'd obviously drank more than when I last saw her earlier, "I need to forget about you- about earlier" she was definitely drunk, she could just about string a sentence together.

"I'll come and get you, where are you?" I asked sternly, "I can't drive, I'll get a taxi."

"Nathan" she said moodily, "why are you always so nice to me?"

"Where are you?" I said growing annoyed.

"I'm at Adams, he had a party" she said, "don't be mad.."

"Mad?" I ran a hand through my hair, I'd been going out of my mind since she's left and she'd run back to Adam? After everything she'd said, suddenly I hardly believed a word she said, was all this just one big game to her still?

"Nathan?" She said loudly causing me to look at my phone, what was I doing? Chasing a girl who didn't feel no way about running back to her ex boyfriend if she didn't like what she heard.

"Have fun at Adams" I snapped, "I'm going-"

"Don't be like that" she whined, "Adam is a friend that's all-"

"Yeah" I said sarcastically, "I'm going now. I don't even know why you called me Lorena!"

"At least Adam wants me!" She shouted down the phone at me, I was shocked by her outburst. She was a horrible drunk, she obviously couldn't handle her drink, either than or she had way too much.

"Cool" I said, "so stop calling me, stop whatever your doing because you're fūcking with my head!"

I hung up the phone, laying back on the sofa I took a deep breath. I wasn't gonna put up with this for much longer, she always ran back to him. She was always insinuating I still liked Ava, she obviously still had something for Adam. My phone rang again, this time I just turned it off, walking to the bedroom I threw myself on top of the covers and closed my eyes.

Today has just been a nightmare.

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