34// Bye

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I was shaking, this whole time it was all a sham. She didn't like me at all, she probably hates my guts like the others.
I can't believe I fell for it, I even took her out for dinner, we'd slept together over and over again. I was foolish to think this was real, it was almost too good to be true, and it was.

"Nathan, please speak to me" Lorena spoke again as she approached me from the car, I backed away as she reached out to touch my arm, "it's not what you think, I like you... I really do."

I started to laugh, it was sarcastic of course but I laughed at her crocodile tears and how she'd been found out to be a liar, "fück you."

"Nathan, Jesus! Let me explain, at first I did do it to hurt you... But understand me when I say, I have feelings for you now!" She called out to me.

Yeah right, more like you can't break it to Kaycie that her little deal is over, I felt sick. I'd wasted so much time on her these past months and I'd chased her around for nothing.

"I want you to leave me alone" I snapped getting back into the car, "I don't want to hear from you, it's bad enough I'll have to see you everyday."

"Don't say that" she whined from the passenger window, "don't leave."

"Bye" I said harshly, "but don't worry... You have Adam remember? He'll keep your bed warm at night and you can forget all about me." I was being petty, I sounded jealous and bitter which I was but I hated the fact that it was all for nothing, this is what they all wanted and they'd probably all laugh about it too.

She stood there stunned to silence at my outburst as I pulled away from her road and I hit the wheel in frustration.
Why would she do that to me? I'd fallen for it all, this felt worse than what Ava did to me. I felt like my heart was in my throat, it hurt me to think we wouldn't be the same anymore, that I wouldn't hang out with her after class or that we wouldn't speak on the phone.

But most of all it hurt because of realised I liked her, probably more than I should of.

My phone rang, checking the called ID it was Angelo. I rolled my eyes and threw it on the floor, I had to avoid everyone at least until I got over it. I couldn't be seen like this, then they'd all get what they wanted. I need to head home for a few days, get my head straight and forget all about Lorena.

I just hope it's as easy as that.

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