15 // Being a bitch

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We sat eating pizza on the side of the lake, she'd been telling me about what part of Spain she was from and how she always visited when she was younger, she says it was the most beautiful place in the world but u had to disagree, I think this place was.

"I didn't think we would be hanging out like this" she said, "I like it."

I smiled, I could feel myself almost blushing from her words. It was cute, she was cute. I wanted to slap myself back into reality, I knew what this was and so did she so why was I spending all this time with her?

"Yeah you're pretty cool" I replied after a short silence, "I should go soon though, I mean it's pretty late already."

"I can give you a ride?" She asked, "or you can stay here? I mean we are going to the same place tomorrow and I could do with the company?"

She seemed hopeful, like I was really going to stay but I knew it was a bad idea, I knew that would be taking it too far. I didn't want to reject her so harshly but the words followed out before I could stop them.

"Nah I don't think that's a good idea, I mean people will see us together tomorrow and suspect things-"

"Yeah you're right, that's cool" she said standing up, she obviously didn't take it well, "it's a shame we can't be friends."

"We are friends?" I said half questioning her, "Why are you saying that? I've spent the last four hours with you."

"Only because we slept together, it's cool I know what this is" she said pointing between us, "I'm already over it."

"We slept together over three hours ago and I'm still here Lorena," I was getting irritated, why was she being so bitchy all of a sudden?

"It's fine, I'm sorry" she said softly, "sometimes I just can't believe I'm doing this."

"Doing what?" I asked, "it was your idea in the first place, if you can't handle it then tell me now!"

"I can handle it Nathan, I'll see you tomorrow" she said giving me a small smile, she walked up along the lake leaving me sitting there dumbstruck, this girl had some serious issues, she must be bipolar or something.

Girls were weird creatures, one minute they were cool, calm and collected next thing they're moody and being a bitch.

I sighed standing up, there goes my ride home.


This was a chapter filler, but I promise you things are about to get a whole lot interesting!!


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