38// Tears

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"I've been worried about you" she said half angry, "I couldn't find you."

"Because I didn't want to be found" I snapped,

"Where have you been?" Lorena said, "I even asked Angelo... Your phones been off all weekend."

"Yeah it died, I was busy-"

"Where were you?" She asked again, she looked slightly pissed off and you could tell in her tone of voice.

"You don't need to know where I was" I replied, "it's nothing to do with-"

"Nothing to do with me? I've been worried sick about you" she pushed me harshly, "you haven't been home all weekend!"

"Because I was mad! I still am! Leave me alone Lorena" I half shouted,

"You was with her weren't you?" She said disgusted.

"Who?" I asked,

"Ava!" She replied, "weren't you?"

I shook my head in disbelief, "what?"

"I can't believe this" her eyes welled up with tears, "I can't deal with it."

"Believe what?" I asked confused, "I wasn't with Ava, look don't cry. Please" I wiped her face but she jerked backwards at my action brushing my hand off.

I was confused, why was she acting like this? Why would she think I went back to Ava of all people? I hadn't seen her like this before, she looked vulnerable, far from from the usual Lorena.

"I went home for a few days" I admitted, "I needed to clear my head and-"

"Bullshīt" she said, "I don't know why I expected anything different from you!"

"What do you mean?" I snapped harshly, "you're the one who stabbed me in the back remember?!"

"I know!" She shouted, "I'm paying the price for it now, believe me! You dangling other girls right in front of my face!"

"What? No I'm not-"

She tugged Paisleys bracelet with a force from my wrist causing the beads the break, the beads went everywhere all over the corridor, shīt.

"You can't be jealous Lorena, Jesus!"

"No?" She snapped, "well neither can you!"

Everyone was staring at us in the corridor causing Lorena to push past and walk away from me. I sighed heavily, that didn't go too well at all did it? I was still angry at her, I probably always would be, I couldn't forgive what she'd done but at the same time I hated to see her that upset over me.

I walked off in the opposite direction hoping to find Angelo or Liam, heading for the canteen hoping not to bump into Paisley as her bracelet was now in a million pieces on the third blocks floor.

I sighed heavily, being with Lorena was such a mistake and was now causing me so much grief it was unreal, but I felt something different when she was around, her hands when she touched me burned my skin and when she cried it pulled on my heart strings.

It was definitely gonna take more than a weekend to get over her.

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