48// Nobody invited you

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"That's why I'm leaving" she said after we both calmed down, "I know this isn't returned-"

"How do you know that?" I snapped, "I don't have feelings too nah?"

"Do you love me Nathan?"

I sat there for a second and thought about it, was it possible to be in love after a few months? I mean, we spent a lot of time together but did that count towards being in love?

"I thought so" she said sadly, "I knew you wasn't. I can't just stay around here waiting for you to find a new girlfriend, wait for Ava to come back over summer? That would kill me-"

"That wouldn't happen" I argued, "I want to be with you. I don't know what it is Lorena but I need you-"

"You don't" she snapped, "you like the chase. I know you more than you think!"

I sat there in silence, the alcohol really wearing off and I felt like everything was crashing down around me. She stood by the window, not looking back at me, her shoulders shaking.

"I'm not sure if I love you" I said truthfully, "I'm not even sure what that feels like, but I feel something... Does that not count for anything?"

"It does" she said quietly, "it's just not enough for me. I have to leave, I'm buying my ticket tomorrow-"

The bedroom door burst open, Kaycie and Ava bursting in causing my mouth to fall open. Ava put her arm around Lorena and looked back at me. "Happy birthday." They were drunk, it was obvious and I weren't in the mood for it right now, why were they even here? Especially Ava. Lorena laughed a little as Kaycie whispered something in her ear, and she gave me an awkward glance.

"We were in the middle of something" I snapped harshly at them both, "what are you even doing here?"

Ava gave me an angry look, "that's no way to greet the love of your life Nathan" her words slurred.

I scoffed, "nobody invited you."

"That's not what you said last week when you took my to dinner" she said with a smug grin, I looked over at Lorena who now had a stern expression on her face.

Come on, she must know it's all a lie. "Yeah sure, your either really drunk, or really delusional" I said bitterly, turning to Lorena. "You know I wouldn't-"

Ava grabbed her phone shoving it in Lorena's face, Ava gave a big grin before Lorena stormed over and made contact with her hand on my face.
I glanced over at the screen, it was the photo my mum had took last week. I rolled my eyes as Lorena barged through everyone to reach the door leaving me standing with Ava and Kaycie.

"Looks like the plan backfired Kaycie, looks like Lorena really likes him" Ava laughed a little, "What a shame."

"Get out" I yelled at both of them, "Bïtches!"

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