33// Truth

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Lorena POV

I felt like the air had been taken out of me, he knew. Had Ava told him before I got there? Had he known since earlier? I could feel my heart pounding as he demanded to know what was going on with me.

"Nothing" I said quickly,

"Don't fûcking lie to me Lorena!" He shouted angrily,

I had to think of something and fast, I couldn't just tell him that Kaycie and Ava had put me up to this, could I? I thought he would understand, at least I'd hoped he would but as I looked at his angry expression, I knew he wouldn't.

"I- I- I can't tell you" I said as my eyes welled with tears, "I'm sorry."

He pulled into the parking bay at the side of the road in town, and turned to me. "Tell me what?" He said in a softer tone, I couldn't look at him right now. My tears threatening to spill over.

"Nathan please-"

He took a deep breath, before he pleaded with me again. "Please just tell me, I need to know what's causing you to keep pushing me away."

"It was a dare! A bet! That I could break your heart, the same way you broke Ava's! But I swear, I like-",

"What?" Nathan stared at me, his eyes turning dark, "A bet?"

I gripped his arm, "I so like you Nathan."

He shrugged me off, "You done all this for Ava and Kaycie? You pretended to like me for all this time, Jesus you slept with me over and over again just to fück with my head?!" Nathan shouted, he was so angry he was shaking. I felt tears spill down my cheeks, it wasn't like that.

"Nathan, listen to me" I said, "yeah okay... At first it was the deal, but I got to know you, I like you!"

"You don't like me" Nathan shook his head, "I just didn't expect this from you, you can tell the deal is done, you got me" he raised his hands before cupping his own face, he took a deep breath before composing himself and looking back at me, "I really liked you."

"Nathan please- we're friends now. You have to understand, I told Kaycie the other night this had to stop but she made me-"

"Did she have a gun to your head?"

"No?" I asked confusingly, "Please-"

"Don't beg Lorena" she snapped turning on the engine, "it's not cute to be desperate."

I couldn't believe he was so angry, he was shutting me off and blocking me out. I felt a pain in my chest as we turned into my road, he was bringing me home.

"Nathan?" I said pleadingly, "I'm sorry!"

He didn't say a word, he got out the car and came round to open my door. He didn't even look at me, maybe he couldn't.

I had to say something, he had to see how much I liked him.

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