49// Party's over

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"Lorena! Wait up!" I shouting following her down the hall, she didn't listen instead she picked up the pace until she got to the lift.

"I asked you about her, i asked you about that weekend-"

"My mum took the picture" I sighed, "we all went out for lunch. Our parents are best friends" I attempted to reason with her.

"So why didn't you tell me?" Asked angrily "when you came back, you never said anything about that weekend!"

"I swear, I wouldn't-"

"I don't believe you! You're so hung up on her all the time! I can see it when you look at her!"

I couldn't believe what she was saying, I had no feelings for Ava, I knew that but trying to convince someone as stubborn as Lorena was proving impossible.

"I can't believe I've been so stupid" she mumbled as the lift door opened, "I really fell for you."

I stepped inside with her and she tried to push me back out. I grabbed her hands and pulled her into my chest, hoping she wouldn't fight it but she did, she pushed me away.

"Stay with me" I pleaded, "I'll show you how much I care-"

"What by having sëx with me?" She said boldly, she said it as if it disgusted her, as if I was worthless.

"I don't know how to show you, tell me and I'll do it" I said getting desperate, my hands still tightly around her arms, but she didn't answer, she looked at me blankly. "Don't leave" I said again, "stay with me tonight at least..."

She looked deflated, she was more than upset. "Did you take her out that night?"

"No!" I rolled my eyes in frustration, "I swear, I was mad with you so I went home. I went for lunch with them and my mum asked to take the photo because she hadn't any of us grown up. I didn't say anything because we were still fighting."

She nodded not looking at me still, probably not even taking what I'm saying in. "I need to go" she replied lowly pushing me out of the lift one last time. I let her, there's only so much you can let people push you away before you just have to accept it. "I'll call you" she said as the doors closed.

I stood there staring at the lift doors, putting a hand on my neck. This shit was too deep for me to think about on a belly full of drink, I needed a clear head. I needed her to know how I truly felt, I just didn't have the words. I'd never felt whatever this was before, I couldn't even describe how I felt when she told me she was leaving.

"Nathan?" Angelo called from the hall snapping me from my thoughts, glancing round he had his hands up in the air in a confused motion. "What you doing here alone?"

"Party's over" I snapped, "get all of them out-"

"What? Why? What's going on with Lorena and you-"

"I'll tell you when I know."

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