29// Ready?

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Me and Lorena had decided to actually go on a date, surprisingly she asked me telling me some rules are supposed to be broken. I told her I'd surprise her, but to be honest I didn't know where the hell to take her. I checked the time, it was approaching half five. I only had an hour to decide, I better get researching.

I called Angelo, maybe he knew. After all, he did go on the odd date here and there with strangers, some online dating app. Apparently you get a thrill from meeting girls who could potentially be axe murderers, no thanks.
It rang twice before he answered in a sleepily voice, moaning that I'd woke him up with a hangover.

"Man, I'm going on a date-"

"A date?!" He interrupted, "DATE?"

"Yeah a date, where shall I take her?"

"Who with?" He asked, "please tell me it's not Paisley..."

"It's not Paisley" I said abruptly, "it's Lorena."

"Oh..." He said casually, "is she your girlfriend?"

"No!" I snapped, "look- cut to the chase Angelo, where can I take her on a date? You go on dates right? Where do girls like to go?"

"Nathan chill, just take her out to eat" he replied,

"Where?" I asked,

"What's wrong with you?" He laughed, "why are you so worried about it?"

"I'm not" annoyance laced my tone of voice and I suspect he noticed it because he went on to speak.

"Alright so go to that Mexican place in town, you know the one right?" He said it like I'd know where that is, "or maybe that pizza place near campus?"

"I can't take her to that pizza place, they're pizzas are cheap" I whined, "alright don't worry, I'll figure something out."

I hung up moodily, I guess I'd have to figure it out on my own. I'd take her to the beach, there's a seafood restaurant on the front, I hated seafood but I knew it was nice.. I'd been past a few times and it looked alright.
I rushed to get dressed, picking jeans and a tshirt, I didn't wanna look over dressed.

She was on time, in fact she was early. I heard her faint knock at the door and I hurried to open it.

"Hi" she smiled, I glanced over at her body. She was wearing the tightest white jeans you could ever imagine with rips in the knee, her stomach flat with a tshirt tied at the front in deep burgundy. She looked amazing even in jeans, she always did.

"You look amazing" I said with a grin, she rolled her eyes and playfully slapped me on the shoulder pushing past me to the hallway, her hair whipping me as she did.

"Ready?" She asked, "where are we going?"

"Surprise" I said grabbing my phone and my eyes, "let's go."

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