21// Mistake

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It was the following day, knowing Lorena and I would go back to practically ignoring each other today made me dread class even more.
I was on time, for once I woke before my alarm half hoping to catch Lorena before class and ask her if she wanted to hang out after college.
I half knew this was a bad idea, spending so much time together recently made me feel nervous but I enjoyed her time so much I couldn't resist it.

I enjoyed being friends with her, that was it. I wanted to slap my forehead, keep lying to yourself Nathan a little voice in my head hissed. Shaking it off I approached her anyway standing outside the office on the phone, her voice raised and her face screwed up.

"It's not like that Adam" I heard her say as I got closer, "Nathan isn't anybody-"

I froze, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I knew I wasn't technically anybody to her but to hear it come out her mouth to Adam of all people made it worse. She didn't know I was there so I stayed quiet, she held her forehead in frustration.

"I don't know why I was at his house, it was a mistake."

I coughed loudly, I couldn't stand here listening to her slate me like she was. She span round, jaw hanging open, she hung up quickly placing the phone in her bag.
"Nathan..." She began, she was obviously unsure on how much I'd heard, "hey" she smiled.

I stared at her for a second wondering whether maybe I should make out I never heard a thing, or to tell her to fuck off. She noticed my facial expression, giving me a sympathetic look, it was almost like she felt sorry for me.

"Forget it Lorena" I said giving her a small shrug, "See you around."

I started to walk towards class, I couldn't make it seem like it bothered me. I mean, it wasn't supposed to bother me was it? So why was I so annoyed about what she'd said.

"Nathan, it's not how it sounded-" Lorena stepped in front of me, I have her a small scowl. She got the message and stepped from my path and giving me enough room to step around her.
She looked annoyed too, I can't see why when she was the one who'd said all that about me.

I needed to forget about her, that's all I'd been doing recently is hanging out with her, I needed to go back to the old me... I didn't care about her, or who her boyfriend was. I'd slept with her, more than once and I didn't give a shit.

"Nathan?" Paisley greeted me in the hallway, she slowed down a little and gave me a big grin, "Where have you been hiding?"

I mentally rolled my eyes at her attempt of flirting with me but decided to suck it up nether the less, I flashed back a smile and put my arm around her shoulder.

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