31 // Feelings

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I had just paid for the bill when Lorena mentioned she needed to use the bathroom, I told her I'd wait outside.
The air was cool and refreshing, especially as we were so close to the beach. I took a deep breath, and felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Ready?" I swung around, almost knocking over the person behind me.
I steadied them, realising it wasn't Lorena... It was Ava.

My throat went dry, I suddenly felt like it was slow motion as she flashed me a smile and pulled me into a hug.

"Nathan, it's so good to see you."

I stood there in astonishment, what was she doing here? My old town was at least an hour, two hour drive from here. I made sure of it, I didn't want to bump into anyone tonight, especially not Ava of all people.

"Say something" she said, she gave me a little pat on my shoulder, similar pat that you would give a small child, or a dog.

"What are you doing here?" I snapped, "and what do you want?"

"I'm here with friends" she shrugged innocently, "why are you being so bîtchy?"

"Bîtchy?" I growled, "really?"

"Nathan?" Lorena suddenly spoke from behind me, I span around in a daze. She looked confused and slightly worried, her eyes were filled with concern and confusion was displayed on her face.

"Are you going to introduce me?" Ava asked sarcastically, she put her hand on her hip and gave me a disappointed look.

"No" I snapped, "let's go Lorena."

"Lorena?" Ava spoke up, "Kaycie's best friend?"

Lorena nodded even more confused, she walked up level with Ava and stood still glancing at us both.

"I'm Ava" she greeted bold as brass, as if this was the most normal set up in the world.

"Oh Ava" Lorena said giving me a quick glance, "nice to finally meet you, I heard you'll be coming back for summer soon?"

"Two weeks and two days exactly, I've heard a lot about you, and all the favours you do for Kaycie" she said, I rolled my eyes at the thought of her being in the same town as me all summer, not being able to go anywhere with the constant fear of bumping into her.

"Well, we're going now" I said pulling Lorena by her arm towards the parking lot. I didn't say a word as Ava said her goodbyes to Lorena and Lorena returned them politely.

"Are you okay?" She asked when Ava was out of sight.

"I'm cool" I shrugged pulling myself into the car, "she's just a bītch that's all."

"She seemed okay, she was nice" Lorena said quickly, "Kaycie looks so much like her, right?"

"Can't say I've noticed" I replied, "Ava is old news, I don't even find her attractive anymore, I hate her guts."

"You must find her attractive to have such strong feelings towards her still, she's pretty..."

"I don't care for Ava" I snapped, "I don't find her attractive and that's all you need to know."

"Come on Nathan-"

"Not everyone goes back running to their ex when they don't like what they hear, maybe your the one with the problem Lorena?" I snapped harshly, "you ran off to Adam the other night, you probably slept with him too, didn't you?"

I felt her hand collide with the side of my face, it stung and the car went silent. I didn't even flinch, I deserved it I guess. This is what Ava done, she got under my skin and made me this horrible bastard.
Lorena was still, she didn't even look at me. Okay so I was harsh but I can't pretend the other night with Adam didn't piss me off, it was playing on my mind since.

"Lorena?" I said after a slight pause, she looked at me with anger in her eyes. She looked damn right sexy when she done that, I glanced down at her lips and she licked him slightly.
That's all the encouragement I needed as I slammed my lips onto hers, pulling her closer to me. She got the message and instantly straddled my lap, kissing me back and pulling the collar of my shirt with force, I couldn't get close enough right now, I couldn't show her how much I needed her right here and now. I was frustrated and so was she, we needed to take it out on each other.

She moaned in my mouth as my erection pressed into her thigh, her eyes flickered open and she pulled away slightly, her lips swollen.

"Tell me your mine Nathan" she demanded, "I need you to say it."

I stared at her for a second not knowing what to think, was this her drunk? I mean I only had one glass, yet the wine bottle was empty when I left the table.

"Tell me" she pleaded giving me short kisses on my jaw, "I need to hear you say it baby."

It was fûcking with my head, I didn't know what to say. I was stunned, but as she pressed into me more and more. I couldn't deny that I felt something, I couldn't put my finger on it.

"I'm yours" I said against her lips, she shut her eyes again and pulled herself flush to me.

"You tell me" I said in return, "you tell me your mine."

"I'm all yours baby."

That's when I felt it... I definitely had feelings for this girl.

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