51// always

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I heard a faint knock on the door, I was groggy from the alcohol last night and I felt sick, great a hangover on my birthday.

I walked to the door, opening it ajar.

"Hey" Lorena smiled, she looked good considering what state she sounded last night. She'd changed and was now looking fresh faced. I glanced at my clock, it was almost 10 am. "How are you feeling?" She asked looking at me worriedly.

"Fine" I said monotone, "can I help you?"

"Really?" She said sarcasm lacing her voice, "is that how it is?"

"Yeah" I shrugged, "What is it that you want from me? Last night you were happy enough running back to Adam."

"You sound jealous" she joked.

"Yeah well, I am" I shrugged again. "You can't just mess with my feelings, that's all you do Lorena, you mess with my head."

"So do you" she snapped back, "can I come in at least? I don't want to talk in the hall?"

"I'm busy" I lied, she narrowed her gaze on me before shaking her head in disgust.

"You have someone in here don't you?!" She half shouted, "you're unbelievable!"

"No I don't" I rolled my eyes, "Jesus." I opened the door further letting her come in and check for herself. "You always think the worst of me."

"I didn't run back to Adam, I went to meet my brother. Gabriel was at Adams last night" she said as I slumped on the sofa, "I don't want you to think something happened-"

"Why do you care what I think?" I replied harshly, "you're leaving in less than a week."

"And is this how you're gonna act for the rest of the time I'm here?" She asked, "you're gonna treat me like shit because I'm leaving?"

"Yes" I snapped.

She shrugged, approaching me and leaning over to kiss me on my cheek. "Happy birthday Nathan" she said quietly before making her way back to the door.

My jaw tensed as I couldn't stand the sight of her walking away from me, half worried I wouldn't see her again once she left. I squeezed my eyes shut as I heard the front door open.

"Lorena?" I called.

She turned around to face me, a small smile plastered on her face. She knew I was weak when it came to her, she knew she had me wrapped around her little finger.

"You wanna go for breakfast?" I asked, "you owe me that at least, it's my birthday after all."

She rolled her eyes giving me a smirk, "I thought you'd never ask."

"Breakfast on you?" I said cheekily and she slapped me on my shoulder as I passed her to get dressed.

"In your dreams" she replied.

"Always" I winked.

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