35// Lunch date

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I spent the next day or so with my parents, they asked why I randomly come home and I made the excuse that I had some study leave left.
I hadn't turned my phone on since it died the same night I found out about Lorena and Ava, I had thought about it a lot over the weekend and I think it's best if I just ignore her completely when I get back. I didn't know she even existed before, so I didn't need to worry about her now.

"So you can't stay a few more days?" My mum asked, "I miss you Nate."

I smiled, "I'm all yours today before I leave tomorrow, what do you wanna do?"

"I was thinking maybe we'd get some lunch with Gloria?" She asked, I gulped. Rolling my eyes at my mum, Gloria was Ava's mum, there was no way I was going out with them today.

"No" I snapped a little too abruptly which caused my mum to go all wide eyed, "You know about Ava, I can't pretend everything is okay."

"Not even for your mother?" She asked, "Gloria is a friend, I can't comprehend her daughters behaviour but you can't take that out on Gloria."

"I'm not" I groaned, "I'm just saying Ava would probably be there."

"So?" My mum shrugged, "it was years ago, surely you've gotten over it by now Nathan? You were just kids."

I rolled my eyes again, "I am over it, I just don't want to eat lunch with her but if it's gonna stop you moaning at me this early in the day then fine."

She let out a wide smile before linking my arm, "That's my boy."

I didn't want to agree with it but my mum had a way of twisting my arm and making me feel bad whenever I said no, I'd handle Ava the same way as Lorena. I'd ignore her like I'd never met her before, girls were real nasty when they wanted to be and this girl was queen bïtch, I'd experienced it on more than one occasion.

"Let's go, they're meeting us at Jervan" My mum called from the hall, I stood up and brushed myself off. Even though I hated Ava, I did like her mother. She was very genuine and kind hearted, I didn't know where she got it from.

I joined my mum in the car as we made our way to Jervan, I switched my phone on and it rang instantly. I glanced at the ID, it was Lorena.
I didn't answer but I had five messages from her too, asking me to call her back.

My mum glanced over at the screen, "Lorena?"

"It's nothing mum" I snapped, "She was a friend, but you know how girls are. Bîtchy..."

"Watch your mouth Nate" she said pulling into the parking lot.

I grinned a little making her laugh and she rubbed my hair with her hands, I glanced out the window and I could see Gloria and Ava coming into focus. Ava had obviously made an effort in her five inch heels and a short skirt and bandeau top, what an awkward lunch date this was going to be.

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