52// Dont have a clue

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She sat opposite me, hands on her lap as the waitress gave us both menus.
"Just let me know when you want to order" she winked causing me to awkwardly glance at Lorena, who thankfully didn't seem to notice.

"Did you know Angelo and Tatiana were dating?" She asked, giving me a stern look.

"No" I said, "I kinda gathered yesterday but he didn't tell me before."

"Oh" she nodded, "Tatiana told me yesterday, apparently they've been dating for weeks?"

"That's cute" I said glancing at the menu, "can't imagine Angelo having a girlfriend" I laughed slightly at the thought, he was more awkward than me with girls.

"I think he's cute" she shrugged causing me look up and glare, "What?"

"Oh you think he's cute?" I mocked, "If he's cute then what am I?" I said in a humorous tone.

"Well your just you" she grinned, "I don't think anyone could come close."

Those words caused my heartbeat to stammer, I gave her a glance but she was back looking at the menu. I was about to try and explain how I felt but the waitress came over and interrupted.

"Ready?" She asked giving me the eye.

"Yeah, burger and fries" I said hastily, I didn't want the subject to change. I needed her to know that I do have some kind of feelings towards her, I just wasn't sure what those were yet.

"I'll just have a coffee" Lorena said politely.

The waitress gave me a flirtatious smile, "I'm sure I know you?"

"Doubtful" I said giving Lorena a look, she seemed calm and collected not paying us much attention.

"I'm pretty sure I do, maybe if you take me out later it would refresh your memory?" The blonde haired waitress said, that was probably the worst line is ever heard, period.

"I'm actually with my girlfriend" I said motioning at Lorena, who was now wide eyed as the waitress scurried off to the back.

"Why did you say that?" She asked nervously, "She was pretty."

"I don't care, I didn't even notice-"

"Why did you call me your girlfriend?" She asked again, she shifted in her seat.

"Well you could be" I breathed nervously, "if you wanted to be."

She didn't say anything and I'm pretty sure I stopped breathing as I waited for an answer, hoping so badly she wouldn't reject me like she usually did.

"It would only make in complicated" she said finally, I felt a deep breath slowly fill my lungs. "I'm probably a dreadful girlfriend anyway" she said trying to clear the atmosphere.

"It wouldn't be complicated if you didn't leave" I said trying to reason with her,

"I have to" she answered bluntly, "this is too deep for me-"

"What about me?" I said as calm as I could, "I have feelings for you, ones I can't even explain."

"You only think that because I've told you I'm leaving" she shrugged, "give it a month or so and you'll be like; Lorena who?"

I stared at her for a second and realised she didn't have a clue.

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