18 // Tears

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I'd left the party, I was now outside getting some air, only Lorena followed. She was silent for a while before she spoke with a slurred tone.

"Why are you so angry? Lewis is my ex boyfriend!" She grabbed the edge of my jumper to gain my attention, "it's not like you don't have any ex girlfriends."

"I don't care" I lied, "Lorena just leave me alone alright?"
I couldn't deal with her right now, she was half drunk and so was I. We were probably about to argue and she confuses me when I'm stone cold sober, let alone drunk.

"So you want me to leave you alone?" She asked unsure, "I told you-"

This time I didn't wait around for her answer, I swiftly walked in the direction of my block. I could hear her close behind me, she was mumbling something.
"Lorena" I snapped turning to face her, stunned to silence when I noticed the tears that were now falling down her face. "Lorena?"

She shook her head, holding her face in her hands. She didn't say anything, neither did I, I wasn't good at this shit.
"I'm fine, it's just you're angry and I'm angry at myself-"

"I'm not angry" I said stepping towards her, "what's up with you?"

"It's just-" her eyes started to well up again, "it's Lewis, he doesn't know when to just- just leave me alone. You know? Everyone giving me all this pressure to get back with him, and I don't want to."

"Then don't?" I shrugged pulling her towards me into a hug, "how you getting home?"
She accepted the hug and I felt a sense of relief wash over me partially that it wasn't me who made her cry and the fact Lewis was a nobody.

"I'm supposed to go with Lewis-"

"Stay at mine?" I asked, "come back with me?"

She hesitated for a second before turning on her tip toes to plant a kiss on my lips, her eyes closed.
I kissed her back, obviously gaining access to her mouth with my tongue the kiss deepened.

"Is that a yes?" I half laughed as she pulled away, my eyes raking her body. She was wearing black ripped skinny jeans with a black leather jacket, I'd never known anyone to look so damn sexy.

"Yes Nathan" she giggled, "why are you so nice to me?"

"We're friends right?" I questioned, "I'm nice to my friends." I wiggled my eyebrows which made her laugh, I loved seeing her laugh.

We reached my door, Lorena gave me a small smile as I unlocked it allowing her in before me, she joked something about me being a true gentleman but I wasn't listening, the only thing I could focus on was her lips.

She got the message and kissed me.

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