19// Winter Wonderland

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I turned over bumping into something, snapping my eyes open I froze, I'd forgotten that Lorena was here.
She'd stayed over last night, not that we got much sleep if you catch my drift.
I watched her for a second to make sure I didn't wake her as I slowly peeled myself away from the bed, I raced to the bathroom to brush my teeth, you know just in case.

Lorena was awake when I got back, she'd began dressing herself back into last nights clothes. She gave me a quick smile when she noticed me but started putting her shoes on.

"Is this how it's going to be?" I asked scratching my head, "you don't want to hang out or?"

I didn't want to sound needy but I half wanted to spend some time with her, at least get to know her outside of the bedroom.

"You want to hang out?" She smirked at me, mocking my tone of voice. I laughed making my way over to tickle the life out of her for doing so, she stopped me by fiercely pushing me half over onto of her.

"Nathan!" She yelped, "it's way too early for this compromising position!"

"Never too early" I joked, "especially when it comes to you."

"Do you fancy me Nathan?" She hooked her finger under my chin, stroking my neck lightly as I laid on top of her putting the weight on both my arms, attempting not to squash her completely.

"Fancy you?" I couldn't believe this girl, she really didn't know? "You're the hottest girl in college."

She laughed before shaking her head, "hardly, you never even noticed me."

I felt a pang of guilt, how could have I been so arrogant for all this time?
"Yeah, I'm sorry..." I started, "you probably know by now I'm a dick sometimes."

"I already knew that" she rolled her eyes sarcastically giving me a small laugh, she pushed me off and sat upright. "So we hardly know anything about each other, tell me..."

"Tell you what?" I was taken by surprise, suddenly she wanted to get to know me.

"Everything, your favourite colour? Your favourite movie?"

"Well if I told you everything you wouldn't like me anymore, I'm pretty boring" I half joked, "my favourite colour is grey, movie... Probably all the scream movies" I said, "What's yours?"

"Favourite colour is black, Movie is definitely friends with benefits."

Wow, how fitting. I wanted to comment of the ending of the film but didn't want to cause an awkward atmosphere, was that some kind of hint? Did she secretly like me? She couldn't, I mean we barely even get on as friends.

"When's your birthday?" She asked interrupting my thoughts entirely,

"It's next month, well... The end of the month" I replied, "the 28th."

"Lucky to have a summer birthday, mines in December" she smiled, "I never have parties because everyone is always broke from the holidays... Adam took me to the winter wonderland last year, it was cool."

I gave her a glare, which was accidental I just really didn't think she'd bring Adam up, I guess I wouldn't ever bring Ava up in a random conversation. Maybe they are still crazy about each other after all, maybe...

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