3// The annoying friend

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It was finally the end of the day and after asking about Lorena all day I had finally had some background information on her, creepy I know.
I knew she liked volleyball and she was on the college team, and it's thanks to that for her fine ass.
I found out she had a boyfriend for around three years and they'd recently broken up, well they say recently it was over six months ago. Why do girls take so long to get over shit?

"So what's so great about this girl? You've sure made enough effort just to find a few things out about her" Angelo said, he was half teasing me I knew he was only joking,

"I like a challenge that's all" I sighed looking over at all the girls who where now giggling in our direction, "don't you get fed up with this?" I said prompting Angelo to look over.

"No?" He laughed, "So what your saying is, you want a girlfriend?"

"No" I scoffed at him, me? I was opposite of boyfriend material.

"Isn't that her over there?" Angelo said pointing over to the gates, following his gaze I spotted her. She was laughing with another girl, her pearly whites on show, she looked so different from the other girls here, so carefree.

"I think you should go over, introduce yourself formally" Angelo said, "as her stalker."

Liam joined in now, he was laughing like it was hilarious and Angelo gave him a high five. I rolled my eyes, rushing over to catch up with her, I was determined to get to know her, she was definitely a mystery.

"Lorena!" I called, she stopped dead in her tracks not turning around, her friend did though and almost gasped, I recognised her from somewhere, I couldn't think where.

"What do you want?" She snapped still not facing me, my eyes automatically glanced down at her behind.

"I know you! You haven't changed have you?" Her friend spoke angrily, "All that time ago, with Ava.. You're still the same old Nathan aren't you?"

I froze, my blood boiling. How dare this bitch bring Ava into it. Ava was nothing but a cheating bitch and that's why I was the way I am, because of her. How did this girl even know Ava? How did she know about that? My eyes flickered to the girl who was shouting at me, I realised. It was Ava's cousin, I'd known her from my old town and my old school.

"You don't know anything about me" I snapped harshly, "In fact, you don't know anything about Ava neither."

"I know enough" the girl fired back, "come on Lorena, let's leave this jerk."

I half laughed, "Ava didn't tell you did she? She didn't tell you what she did."

"What?" Now Lorena piped up over her yappy friend giving me a frown, "what's going on here?"

"I'll tell you all about it" the girl said dragging Lorena away.

I stared at them for a while as they disappeared into the distance, I was in half in shock. I'd moved to this town because of Ava and now her damn cousin was here spurting her mouth off with all kinds of lies, but of course everyone always believed the girl.


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