8// Free Period

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Monday had come around sooner than I'd liked, but I think that's always the case with weekends. I'd spent Sunday being hungover and my ego was still recovering from Lorena's knock backs.
I'd told Angelo about it who laughed literally in my face, apparently wanting to sleep with the same girl twice was just asking for trouble.

I walked into class, late obviously. The teacher was already handing out our term assignments. I hurried over and sat down before anyone noticed, but someone did. I could feel a pair of eyes staring at me across the room, it was Lorena.

She gave a small smile, so small that if I'd blinked I'd miss it, but it was definitely there.
I looked over, her hair was up today and she was looking fresh faced, very different from the party at least.

"Nathan Saint, nice of you to actually turn up to class" Mr Rogers smiled sarcastically, I shrugged taking the assignment letter from his hands.

"No problem" I said with as much sarcasm as he showed, he laughed slightly walking off to his desk.

"Nathan, don't sweat, I'll help you!" A girl who sat beside me smiled,  I recognised the face just couldn't remember the name so I decided it was best to play it safe.

"Thank you babe" I smirked, I looked down at her. She was alright I guess, not nothing to write home about. She had black hair like Lorena but it didn't sprawl down her back like hers did, it was short like a bob.
I mentally groaned, why am I comparing everything to Lorena? Who even cares about her?

"You didn't call me" the girl next to me spoke lowly gaining my attention, I felt majorly awkward how could I remember to call you when I didn't even know your name... Wait, I remember... Paige, it was Paige.

"Sorry Paige, I've been busy-"

"It's Paisley" she snapped in a bitchy tone, "My name is Paisley."

I gelt my eyes widen, I couldn't even cover it up as if it was a mistake, I couldn't say anything apart from suck up and pretend I was interested.
In fact I put my arm around her and she relaxed a little, I didn't want her to cause a scene not first thing on a Monday morning.

My gaze travelled across the room back at Lorena who was now giving me a death glare, I smiled slightly but this time she didn't return it, saying she looked pissed off would be an understatement.

"So how about we go to mine after class? You have free period right?"

How did she know I had free period? Was she some kind of crazy stalker? Did she have a copy of my timetable or something? I looked at the time, I still had half and hour of this class, surely I could make an excuse and leave early. Usually I'd take up the offer but today, I was still hanging from the weekend and I couldn't be dealing with any drama on top of that.

"Nathan, you wanna do something on free period?" She pressed for an answer, and I was almost thankful when a voice behind me spoke breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"He's busy on free period."

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