13 // Pizza

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I hadn't seen Lorena for the rest of the day, I couldn't help but feel bad about what happened. Sure, I didn't know she was adopted but I shouldn't have been so harsh about it in the first place. I tried to call the number she'd given me a few times but there wasn't any reply, so the only thing I could do was go and visit her which would be difficult not even knowing where she stayed.

I didn't even care about the friends with benefits anymore, I genuinely felt bad about upsetting her, it was weird.

I caught a glance of her annoying friend as I left class, calling her over she rolled her eyes.

"Where does Lorena stay?" I asked bluntly, I was already prepared for a witty comeback of some sort.

"I'm pretty sure she wouldn't want me to tell you" she snapped.

"Well I'm asking you not her" I said.

"Nathan, Lorena isn't Ava okay? She isn't going to take your shit-"

"Where does Lorena stay?"I asked again impatiently, "I don't give a shit what you have to say about Ava."

"By the way Ava iscoming here" she started, "for summer-"

"What?!" I snapped, "Why?"

"To visit me" she gave a cheesy grin that was half smug, "she can't wait to see you."

I felt my stomach drop, I hadn't seen her since. She'd tried to ring me numerous times but I'd never answer, I could go home for summer? Avoid her completely.

"Whatever" I shrugged, "where does Lorena stay?"

She rolled her eyes, "She stays in town."

"Yeah, I need you to be more specific here" I said sarcastically.

"Her parents are extremely generous, she stays in an apartment near the lake" she sighed, "you know the little houses that sit back on the side?"

I nodded, I'd visited many times. The lake was peaceful and sometimes I needed peaceful in my life, my mind was always full of shit.

"It's one of those, I've been there a few times" she bragged,

"Cool" I smiled walking off towards the gate,

"You're welcome!" She called.

I picked up a pizza before I reached the lake, I shrugged even if she told me to stick my apology up my ass I still had the pizza and I'd eat it on the way back.

I walked over to the row of five apartments that sat beside the lake. So how would I know which one was hers? Would her brother be there? I hope I wouldn't make things worse.

I glanced up at all the apartments noticing Lorena's car on the very last one, bingo!

I half ran towards the door and rang the bell before I could give it a second thought, I could hear Lorena singing before she'd even opened the door.

"Sorry no sales- Oh" she said glaring at me on her porch, "Nathan? Why? How-"

"Stalkerish right?" I asked giving her a quick smile, "would a sorry be enough? I brought pizza just in case."

"Sorry for what? Stalking me or being an asshole?" She rolled her eyes,

"Both?" I asked.

She prompted me to hand her my pizza, she nodded in acceptance.

"But really, how did you know I lived here?"

"Your annoying friend" I said, "and damn she's annoying." I thought about what she said about Ava coming back for summer, I definitely needed to arrange to go home.

"So thanks for the pizza" she cut me from my thoughts, "it's my favourite."

"Mine too" I smiled, I scratched my neck as I felt the awkward atmosphere rise and we both stood in silence. She was wearing gym clothes, her hair braided in two plaits, she looked really different from college but in a good way.

"Nathan, I'm sorry I-"

"I'm sorry" I cut her off, "I'm sorry about earlier, I wasn't thinking and I didn't mean to pry in your business or anything like that."

She shook her head vigorously, "Just please don't tell anyone."

I stared at her for a second, she really thought I was some kind of asshole, that I was the kind of person to spread rumours, yet truth is I'd never done anything like this to any other girl, not even Ava. I wouldn't ever of come all this way just to apologise, I wanted her to be my friend at least and I didn't even know why.

"I'm not going to tell anyone" I half sighed at her assumption, she always thought the worse of me, ever since I met her.

"Thank you Nathan" she smiled placing her hand on the door she leaned casually,

"Where do we stand right now?" I asked, "are we friends? I mean, I thought the pizza would make it up to you?" I half joked, she laughed and so did I.

"I can think of a few other ways for you to make it up to me."

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