7 // Flashbacks

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The sun was pouring into the room, I opened my eyes just a fraction to see Lorena getting up from my side. She looked pissed off, giving me a glance as she grabbed her clothes quickly,

"Morning" I grunted,

"Yes hi" she said in a hushed tone, "keep your voice down!"

"Why?" I said extra loudly giving her my best cheesy grin, she smiled a little before replacing it with a frown.

"I'm not playing around" she answered, "you need to go!"

I sat up, usually I was the one telling girls to leave I wasn't sure how to feel now the roles had reversed.

"Nathan, come on! Tatiana-"

"Why the rush are you embarrassed of me or something?" I asked my voice sounding all needy and desperate. I wanted to slap myself for saying something like that, she looked at me with confusion.

"Embarrassed?" She half laughed, "No? You know it's not like that-"

"What is it like? I've barely opened my eyes and you're pushing me out the door" I said rolling my eyes grabbing my tshirt and pulling it over my head,

"Don't act like you're all hurt" her voice laced with annoyance, "you know you weren't gonna call me even if I asked."

"So you want me to call you huh?" I said sarcastically,

She laughed, pulling her hair back to a bun on her head. She gave me a playful shove as I got my jacket zipped up.

"So shall I call you?" I asked as I approached the front door,

"No" she said quickly, "it's fine, I mean we'll see each other around right?"

For once in my life I actually wanted to hit it again, she made it seem so casual and I wanted her to beg for me to see her again, I couldn't say that though. All I could do is smile and nod, feeling rather deflated from the fact she didn't want a repeat of last night, thinking about her legs wrapped around my-

"Bye Nathan" Lorena said snapping me back to reality, she gave me a kiss on the cheek which made it even worse, even my grandma gets better action than that.

"So you're sure right? I mean you're okay with this? I could always take your numb-"

"Nathan just go!" She cut me off her eyes flickering with annoyance,

"But I don't want to seem disrespectful, I didn't use you or anything.. I mean it was great but you were drunk you probably don't remember much about it at all" I was trying not to get my words out as quick as I can before she interrupted me again, but it was too late.

She gave me glare, "bye Nathan."

I nodded, opened the front door and walked down Tatiana's driveway. I couldn't believe she'd rejected me like that too and it wasn't just the once.

I had a flash back from last night, she was the instigator of the 'situation', she started the whole thing, I just went with the flow. So why did she act as if it was such a bad idea?

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