23 // I'm busy

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I climbed into bed, it was only six but I was knackered from today. I had football practice after school, I'd missed quite a few since I'd been hanging with Lorena so I needed to fix up.

My phone rang, looking at the caller ID it was Angelo. I hesitated answering, he usually wanted me to run an errand when he called me, or wanted to borrow something.

"Hello?" I answered before it rang out,

"Jesus, you took your time answering didn't ya? What are you doing?" He asked, wherever he was it was loud because he was half shouting at me.

"Nothing, why what's up?"

"You know Tatiana right?" He asked, "well she's having a get together at her place... I told her your down."

"Well you shouldn't have" I rolled my eyes, "you do know Tatiana is Lorena's cousin don't you?"

I heard him laugh slightly, "yeah... She's not even here though."

"I'm busy" I lied,

"Bullshit, you just said you weren't doing anything! Listen, forget her alright? For your own sanity, just forget she ever existed."

"Already have" I lied again, my blood still boiling from what I caught her saying this morning, how dare she! I could have pretty much anyone I wanted yet she acted as if she was doing me a favour? "I'll be there, give me twenty minutes."

"Man, I'll come pick you up" Angelo said, "I'm leaving now..."

The phone went dead, guess I couldn't object now could I? He was right I needed to forget all about Lorena once and for all, there was no going back like I did before, i really needed to cut her off.

The doorbell rang, shit. I wasn't even dressed yet, he told me he was already at Tatiana's house so how the hell did he get here to fast? I walked down the hall still in my boxers and socks and swung open the door.

"How did you get here so fast?" I called turning back to walk down the hall,

"Take it you weren't expecting me?"


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