61// Never

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It had been five days since I told her to leave, and I hadn't bothered answering any of my phone calls. I had over twelve from Lorena and a slightly more from Angelo who'd even came over yesterday.

I didn't want to talk to anyone, especially not until I knew she was gone. I couldn't bare the fact of someone bringing it up to my face, I couldn't deal with it anymore.

I glanced at the clock, it was already eleven am, her flight for LA was at three. I sighed and pulled over the cover that were at the bottom of the bed, I looked like shit I knew I did. I hadn't got changed for two whole days, was I depressed?

I stayed in that position, for what seemed like hours but it was actually just turning half eleven. I should at least say goodbye I thought, I mean we'd practically been dating for a good while, I was in love with the girl.

I quickly hopped out of bed not bothering to change or even glance in the mirror, I had no way of even getting to her house either. I mentally groaned, why did I leave it to the last minute? She'd been ringing me all week, I was too stubborn for my own good and now it was probably too late.

I picked up my phone, giving her a call which went straight onto answerphone. Damn you.

I decided to call Angelo, hopefully Tatiana would be with her and maybe Angelo would be with Tatiana, and I could talk to her that way.

He answered on the first ring, "finally!" he said with attitude, "you back on the land of living?"

"Are you with Ana? Is she with Lorena? Are you there now? Has she left-"

"Calm down, I've been trying to call you all week-"

"Angelo man!" I grew frustrated as I slipped on my trainers, I headed to the door. "Are you with Lorena?"

"Nathan maybe if you answered you'd know-"

"Shut up and answer the God dam question!" I raced to the door now, why couldn't he just cut to the chase, was he with her or not? He was wasting my valuable time with nonsense. I pulled the door open, glancing up at the shadow who was standing before me, it was her.

"Angelo I'll call you back" I said throwing my phone to the floor and pulling her inside. She looked different, she cut her hair to a bob just below her ears, it was wavy, she looked well.

"Nathan" she started, I interrupted her quickly. I needed her to know how I really felt. How she made me feel.

"Lorena, I'm a dick" I said rolling my eyes at her smirk, "Please.. I know your going, I've wasted all this week not spending time with you, not showing you how much you really do mean to me... I love you so God damn much, I can't bare the thought of being without you."

She stated at me for a second," Nathan I've been trying to call you-"

"I'm sorry, I mean I've been ignoring you not gonna lie... But please know I do have the second feelings" she cut me off again with half a laugh, it wasn't sarcastic it was a genuine laugh that made me smile instantly.

"Nathan, relax take a breath... Let me speak" she said shaking her head slightly, "I cancelled".

I stared at her not knowing what she meant, cancelled what? Her flight? Her new life? Cancelled what? My heart was beating so fast as she pulled me into a hug.

"I'm staying with you, if you'll have me" she said into my shoulder, "I've told Gabriel that I want to stay here, my whole life is here Nathan, I can't just leave.. I can't just leave you."

Her eyes welled up as she took a step back, my heart almost stopped at her words. I took a deep breath, not knowing how to react, was this a joke?

"You're staying?" I asked for reassurance, "really?"

"I love you" she said shyly, ignoring my question completely.

"Are you really staying?" I asked again abruptly,

"Yes Nathan" she said monotone, "Haven't you listened to my voice mails?"

"No" I snapped, "I've been mad with you..."

"Ill make it up to you" she replied hastily, "I promise."

"Oh really?" I replied raising my eyebrow, "It might take a while."

"I have forever" she said as her lips connected with mine, "No more games."

"No more rules" I snapped as she rolled her eyes, "You're mine now, and don't you forget it."

"Never" she replied pushing me inside the hall.

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