37// Sooner or Later

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As I drove back into college I was dreading seeing Lorena again, I'd prepared myself all weekend but knowing she would be in the same classes as me made me nervous.

I was late, as usual. I'd left early this morning but I needed to get gas and then I hit traffic all the way down.

I quickly locked my car and headed for class, rushing up the stairs. I'd called Angelo and filled him in on this last weeks antics, he couldn't believe it neither and told me "told you so" about sleeping with the same girl more than once, a mistake id never made again.

I arrived at class before the teacher and kept my head down until I reached my seat. I glanced up, and Lorena was in her usual seat. She smiled at me, giving me a small wave but all returned was a blank expression. I noticed she was wearing a jumper and to be fair she looked like she hadn't slept since I last I saw her, her hair was tied back and she didn't have an inch of makeup on her face. She looked better like that, I liked to see her small freckles below her eyes and her small beauty spot on her eyebrow, she looked natural and she was still more beautiful than anyone else in the room. I tore my eyes away from her and looked down at the desk.

"Nathan" Paisley greeted me taking a seat beside me, I gave her a quick smile as she purposely brushed her arm against mine. I didn't retaliate, glancing at Lorena again, she was now staring at me and Paisley intently.

"How you been? I didn't see you this weekend?" Paisley made small talk.

"I'm great" I lied, "you?"

"You know me, always good" she winked making me cringe inwards, I could feel Lorena's eyes burning into me as Paisley leaned into me.

Somehow I felt guilty, like this was my fault. I almost felt guilty for ignoring her but then I remembered why.

She was a bītch.

"I like your bracelet" I pointed to her white rosary beads on Paisleys wrist, she grinned before pulling it off and handing it to me.

"You wear them" she instructed pulling my arm and placing it onto my wrist. "I got them in Paris last year, have you been?"

"I haven't" I said, "I've always wanted to go... I guess I'll have to wait for the trip next year."

Paisley nodded as the teacher stormed in and began taking class. I took a few notes down on things I managed to catch through Paisleys chatting and giggling.

I was thankful class was over when the bell went signalling everyone to stand and evacuate the room. Paisley said bye as she bounced her way down the stairs telling me she had dance and she'd see me at lunch. I took my time packing up hoping Lorena would have already left, I glanced over to where she was sitting for the hundredth time and she was gone. Thank god.

I pulled my bag over my head and rushed to the door, reaching outside I felt a slight tap to my shoulder. I already knew it was her from the warmth of her hands on my arm, I didn't want to turn around to face her but I knew I had to sooner or later.

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