22// playing with fire

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It was a huge mistake hanging with Paisley, she'd annoyed me in the first ten minutes of lunch by stepping on my new trainers and getting a huge orange mark on my black jacket.
"Nath?" Angelo said quizzically as Paisley was now wrapped around my arm, I rolled my eyes at him discreetly.

"Hey Angelo" she smiled noticing him, she ignored Liam... Not that he cared, he shot her a death glare.
I scanned the canteen for Lorena, I needed her to see this. Maybe it would make her feel as shit as I felt seeing her call me a mistake.
She wasn't there, her annoying friend was though who was clocking every minute of it, I needed to put on a show and fast.

"Babe" I spoke softly gaining Paisleys attention, she turned to me with a slight smile, she wouldn't ever guess what was coming next.
I bent down slightly, and closed my eyes reaching out for her lips with mine, I could feel her breath on my face so I knew we were close but suddenly I heard a scream and the hot breath disappeared.
My eyes shot open and I scanned the floor, Lorena was standing over Paisley giving me a glare.

"Bitch, you did that on purpose!" Paisley shouted grabbing my arm to pull herself upright.

"My bad, I didn't see you guys" Lorena said smugly, "maybe you shouldn't make out in the canteen."

"Oh really?" I snapped, "where are you meant to make out? Behind closed doors?"

She shot me a look, her face looked glad surprised at my bitter tone, I knew a lot of people picked up on it but I didn't care.
"Yeah" she shrugged, "I guess so."

"You guess so? Well I guess I don't care who see's me" I said pulling Paisley to my chest, I noticed Lorena exhale and she ran her hands through her long hair turning to Angelo who gave a small shrug.

"Why are you such a dickhead?" she asked harshly, anger was apparent in her voice and I loved it.

I shrugged keeping Paisley at my chest, I was treating Lorena like I treated every other girl and this is what she deserved.

"Whatever" Lorena answered before walking off I waited before she was outside before I pulled away from Paisley. Angelo gave me a knowing look before giving me a nudge.

"You're playing with fire, you know that right?"

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