28 // The plans

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Lorena POV

I almost ran out of the block, I felt sick. I hated treating him the way I did, I hated this stupid deal. I pulled out my phone calling Kaycie before Adam arrived to pick me up.

"Hey!" She picked up on the first ring, "did you meet with Nathan?"

"Yeah... I did" I started, but she cut me off before I could tell her about breaking it off.

"Did he fall for it? Does he like you yet?" Kaycie's voice laced with excitement,

"Kay, I broke it off" I admitted, "I can't pretend anymore... He really isn't as bad as you say-"

"What?! No! You can't break it off with him... Not yet, Ava will be here in a few weeks!" She said quickly, "he's just fooling you Lorena, don't fall for it!"

"I already have" I sighed, "I can't do it anymore, I think I've started to like him Kaycie... What if he-"

"What?!" She half shouted, "you like him? You can't like him! He's a jerk, remember all those things I told you about Lorena? Don't be so naive!"

"I mean- I don't know if I do.. I had to break it off, for my own sanity" I replied, "it's confusing, I'm sleeping with someone I'm supposed to hate!"

"No, you do hate him" she hissed, "you said so yourself remember? You called him arrogant, it wasn't too long ago-"

"I know!" I said, "I know what you're saying, but hanging out with him it's made me think... What if he really isn't that bad underneath?"

"Bullshit! You tell him it's on, tell him you made a mistake!" Kaycie whined, "it's a few more weeks Loren, what harm can it do? Then you can forget all about him."

I thought about it for a moment, Kaycie was my best friend since I got here. Could I really go that low to break his heart for the fun of it? I mean sure I agreed to it originally but now I knew the real him, I couldn't.

"I don't know" I said finally, "I don't know what to do.."

"Please Lorena" Kaycie pressed, "I need you to do this."

Maybe I could tell Nathan that I did really like him, and tell him about Kaycie and Ava's plans... Maybe I'll wait until it comes out, I'll tell him I was forced, that Kaycie begged me to do it. Nathan would laugh it off wouldn't he? He would think it's funny, he probably didn't really like me anyway and he wouldn't care none of the less?

"Okay" I said monotone, "I'll do it."

"Thanks babe, you're the best" Kaycie said cheerfully, "anyway... I need to go! I'm halfway through my nails."

She hung up, and I stared into space.

Nathan would understand right?


So what do you guys think? 😩
Anyone anti Kaycie? Or maybe anti Lorena?

What do you think Nathan's reaction is gonna be if he finds out?

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