44// Late

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I woke up first, Lorena clinging to me as she slept. I squeezed my eyes shut not wanting this to ever end but I knew I had to wake her soon, we had class.
I listened to the sound of her breathing and I felt her stretch out beside me, her breathing slowed as she realised she was holding onto my chest.

"Morning" she said sleepily moving her hands away,

"Hey" I replied, "good sleep?"

"Great" she smiled, "way better than Kaycies sofa."

I smiled back before climbing out of bed and heading for the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face before walking out to face her again, she was still in bed. Arms propped up on the pillows, she gave me a smile as I approached her.

"You're gonna be late" I said throwing her clothes at her from the floor, "it's already eight."

She shrugged still not budging from the bed, "I'm not sure if I'm going in today, I have to sort my door out remember? Unless your gonna have me here permanently?"

I knew it was a joke but it made my heart thud loudly at the thought of having her here every single night.

"Oh, yeah true" I said not meeting her eyes, "you want a ride?"

"You'll be late" she mocked me, making me laugh a little and shake my head. "I'm fine, thanks though."

It was silent and pretty awkward, the last thing I wanted to do now was go to class and leave her all day on her own. I didn't want to seem desperate either, I was contemplating what to say for the best before she spoke again.

"It's a shame we'll go back to not speaking."

"Yeah" I agreed, but there really wasn't any other way I could get over her if I was always around her, this was obviously the wrong answer though because she got up and started throwing in her clothes, not even looking at me.


"It's fine" she snapped, "last night meant nothing to you. I get it, really I do. It's just I can't keep doing this, I need to just leave you alone-"

"I didn't say it meant nothing" I argued, "what did you want me to say? That we should carry on whatever this is? You wanted one last-"

"I know what I said" she pulled on her shoes and headed for the hallway. "I guess I'll see you around, thanks for letting me stay."

"Can you just slow down for a second?"

"No" she shook her head, her eyes welled up with tears. She squeezed them shut before taking a deep breath. "I know I made a mistake with Kaycie and Ava, but now we're just using each other and it ain't right."

I didn't say anything, I just let her leave. I wanted to kick myself, she was upset and I was a proper asshole by letting her leave without saying anything.

This girl was making me loose my mind.

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