16// Be careful

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School the next day was pretty mediocre, I hadn't caught a glimpse of Lorena all day but on the plus, it was Angelo's birthday so a few of us were hanging out at his house later on which would be a good distraction.

"What's up with you man? You've been on edge all day. Who are you looking for?" He asked leaning over to nudge me in the canteen line.
I shook my head, turning my head from the other side of the room, not giving an exact answer.
"So Bethany is coming later" he half laughed in my direction as I felt myself glaring at him.

"Great" I said sarcastically, "I'm sure she'll give you a birthday treat."
He laughed slapping me on the back as I ordered my food, I could hear him chatting away behind me to somebody but it was the last person I'd expected as I glanced over.

"Happy birthday" Lorena smiled, giving me a quick look.
I stood there awkwardly, so did Angelo he was probably as confused as I was.

"Thanks" Angelo scratched his neck nervously giving me a sly shove in her direction.

"Lorena, hi" I said eventually, "we er- were having a get together at Angelo's later if you wanna come?"

I wanted to slap myself, why was I inviting her? Did I want her to come? So much for a great distraction. Angelo gave me a small grin before excusing himself.

"We'll do want me to come?" She asked when he'd left, her smile disappeared and she now seemed like she did yesterday, "really?"

"If you want" I shrugged, "if you aren't busy."
This obviously was the wrong answer as she scowled at me,
"Answer the question, do you want me to come?"

I rolled my eyes, why were girls so difficult? Why wouldn't she just accept my offer and agree to come with me, it wasn't like it was a date, it was a party for god sakes.

"Nathan?" She pressed,

"Yes, okay?" I hissed, "I want you to come, I like hanging out with you."

I felt embarrassed, I mean it was probably the first time I'd ever said that out loud to any girl and with Lorena there was a huge risk that she would say no or pretty much laugh in my face.

"I'll be there" she said after a slight pause, "Angelo stays in the back blocks right?"

"How do you know where he stays?" I snapped quickly, she smirked a little at my reply.

"I just do" she shrugged, "I've heard he stays at the back? His a popular guy, most girls like him."

I felt uneasy at her answer, most girls? Well I hope she didn't, I mean she never mentioned Angelo before or commented anything about him.

"What?" She hissed as I stared at her in thought.

"I'm just surprised you knew where he stayed,"

She laughed slightly, giving me a playful push, she seemed different now. She was relaxed, happier even.

"Be careful Nathan, you almost sound jealous."

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