54// I'm in

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She left sometime I was in the bathroom, I'd been in there forty minutes, half scared to have to face her ever again. I needed to go out tonight, I needed to forget all about her, maybe sleep with somebody else and get her out of my system.

I splashed my face with cold water, staring at my black hair in the mirror that had overgrown the last couple weeks. I'd go and get a haircut ready for tonight, and call Angelo on the way.

I got changed, wearing jeans and a jumper. I noticed Lorena had left her bag here, I rolled my eyes knowing that meant id have to see her again before she left. I picked it up and placed it on my bedside table, gripping the strap. Maybe I'd keep it, something to remember her by after all, I had nothing.

I picked up my phone dialling Angelos number and leaving my apartment. I looked at the clock it was already almost three, I was hungry and pissed off. Turning out to be a great birthday.

"Hi" I said as he answered,
"Birthday boy" he answered groggily, maybe I'd just woke him.
"Listen, I need to go out tonight and get absolutely wasted" I said.
"I thought that's what last night was for?" He joked,
"Well tonight is no exceptions" I replied crossing the road.
"Alright cool, so I'll meet you later on and I'll call Liam. Where you wanna go?"
"I don't mind" I said, "anywhere with girls."
"Ah..." Angelo paused, "it's like that isit?"
"Yeah you in?" I asked impatient,
"Erm... Yeah I'm in-"
"Cool, see you later" I said ending the call.

I sighed. I felt half guilty on what I was planning on doing later, sleeping with a stranger. It almost felt like cheating, I was harsh earlier on telling her to get out but I was going out of my mind with this girl and she was too stubborn to see it. I'm hoping that sleeping with someone else would break my obsession with Lorena, that I'd be thankful that she was leaving, so I could crack on elsewhere.

Walking into my barbers I walked straight into the shoulder of Adam who gave me a nod, I mentally groaned.

This really wasn't my day.

Sorry this one is short but honestly the next few chapters should deffo make up for it.

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